~One Last Time~

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   If Elyse knew one thing, it was that she was not ready for this.

   How long had it been since she'd last seen Sonja? Ten years? Maybe fifteen? What did it matter, it was still going to be tense and awkward all the same, but at the very least she wanted to see her one last time.

   She took a deep breath, steadying herself before pulling open the door to the Tim Hortons and stepping inside, instantly getting hit with the strong, familiar scent of freshly baked goods and coffee beans. She looked around the room, finding that her companion wasn't there yet, giving her an odd sense of relief.

   Elyse stepped up to the counter and after a quick scan of the menu, decided on a Vanilla Cream Cold Brew. Locating a booth in the corner right beside the window, she sat down and settled in,  nursing her cool drink with her shaking hands.

   The last time she saw Sonja had to be the day they got caught together. Sonja had gone in to kiss her, neither of them hearing Elyse's mother as she came up the stairs to bring the two "friends" a snack. 

   Elyse sighed at the memory. She could still hear her angry mother's startled yelp and the sound of a tray of cheese and crackers hitting the floor before the two were forcibly dragged apart. They had been forbidden to see each other after that.

   Sonja and her family had moved away at one point. Elyse was sad to hear they left.

   The bell above the door chimed out thrice as it was opened and a beautiful girl in her mid-to-late twenties stepped in with icy-blue eyes and long, straw-coloured hair. Elyse's heart fluttered; Sonja was just as pretty now as she was then. Sonja moved to tuck a strand of hair behind her ear, making Elyse's feather-light feeling quickly vanished when she noticed the golden ring shining on her old companion's ring finger.

   She suddenly felt sick, why did she feel sick? She hadn't seen Sonja in years, there shouldn't have still been any lingering feelings!

   Elyse felt an intense urge to flee, body tensed to run and get away quickly. She couldn't do this, how could she ever think she could?!

   Her eyes stay glued to her form as the blonde stepped up to the counter and ordered a drink similar to Elyse's, happily paying her total. While her old love's back was still turned, Elyse grabbed her half-empty Cold Brew and quietly slipped out of the building.

   Sonja turned around a moment later, drink in hand, as she scanned the room for Elyse, finding she had yet to arrive. With a heavy sigh, she grabbed a booth for them and settled in to wait.

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