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"No, Mom, please, please don't leave me!" Sophie sobbed.

Her mother smiled sadly, stroking her daughter's hair. "I will never leave you, my beautiful child. I just have to go away for a little while. We will see each other again soon."

Sophie was crying way too hard that she could barely hear her.

"But," her mother whispered, "before I go, I want you to keep this."

She clasped a gold chain around the blonde girl's neck. It was a beautiful trinket, with silver stones set into a ruby locket.

"There," she said, hands shaking with exhaustion. "This will keep you safe, my baby girl. It will remind you of me."

"No!" Sophie cried helplessly,"you're not dying!"

Her mother smiled. "Yes, I am. But it's okay. I've enjoyed my life here on Earth with you, Sophie. Now I have to go away. But I'll always be watching over you. Please don't cry, precious."

Sophie cried even harder.

She held her mother's pale, shaky hand tightly.

Then she felt her hand go still.

"Nooooo!" Sophie dropped to the floor, shaking with sobs.

Her mother's soul ascended into the heavens.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2021 ⏰

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