Chapter 1

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The king and boring carriage ride left me with little to do for the next hours of sunlight. Mother and my sister Milla are sitting across from me, leaving nothing but complete patch-worked cloth on my side.  While they continue to work on the rest of dad's clothing, I saw no point in fixing a corpses clothing but when I asked earlier but was swiftly shut up by a rather hard kick to the shin. Courtesy of Milla of course. It still hurts and if I payed it enough attention I could still feel the blood that pulse beneath it, it was going to leave a bruise the size of an apple. But mother barley lets me leave my room without stockings on so the only person for it to be a bother for is me. Milla has suggested many times that I help them but I find more sewing lustreless then washings rocks, which was a common penalty mother gave me quite often. I presume it's why my small grubby hands where always so soft. I look over to the window and pull the curtain back to once more watch the willows and the trees rolls by. The soft lull of the carriage pulling me into a happy haze of ignorance. Another swift kick to my shin
"16 faces Lillian" my mother says sharply, she has some stupid idea that a woman should have 16 faces and none of them were mine.
"Prim and proper is the only way your-" her monotone voice drills on as I tune her out once again. By the three gods I hated her voice, I learnt at a young how to tune her out, father found it droll, I once more began to examine her face. We looked nothing alike she had raven black hair and eyes that almost matched, she had a nose so sharp it could have cut the wood wheels that the carriage had rides on, she has small sharp lips. Nothing about her is soft not even her parenting, my sister looks like her twin, minus the wrinkles from scowling so often but she will have them soon enough. I would have thought I wasn't hers but I knew I would be wrong I was a spiting image of dad, my hair was as white as a daises and twice as long.  My eyes were a pale green and my features were soft and delicate if you didn't know me you'd say I looked delicate, but that was the farthest thing from the truth you could fathom, I was wear stockings like mother asks but I mostly wear trousers and men's shirts being as how complacent they were.  My top was stained in grease and dirt and my hair cascading down my back and was throughly knotted. In the centre of my palm was the coin dad gave me, at first I was outraged by the fact that Milla got thousands of coins where as I got one till I compared them. Hers were rounded and had a crown on one side and a hand one the other, mine was like a circle but had edges where hers was iron mine was gold and was twice the size the size of a regular coin. It was engraved with a knot almost like a vine it looked cool and I loved it. In my opinion I got the better trade in the deal but Milla and her rat face decided that she was better then me now, despite the fact that I was older. She was always mad at me because our late father had loved me more, mother and father were not shy about favourites I was dads and Milla has mums favour. I look out the window hoping like hell she was done talking when I saw the most gorgeous field filled with apple orchid, and immediately knew this was fathers land, I sat up swiftly and opened the carriage door and jumped out to the rocky path below my feet. I could hear my mother screech at me as I continue to run along the path, I pass the horses and the house is bigger then my imagination could have ever summed up it was all made of rock and had moss climbing the walls, there was two towers on opposite ends of the house, but that was the incorrect passage for this place it was a castle with stained glass windows. I walk up to the grand oak doors and push them open and see the largest hall I have ever seen.
"Close your jaw you twit" I hear my sisters sharp voice, she acts like she has ever seen anything as grand when I know for a fact that she hasn't.
"I call the left tower" I yell as I run off once more, I can hear her whining to mother before a turn the corner hoping like hell I'm running in the right direction, I run into a biddy in the hall and ask her the way, she looks surprised at first then tells me how to get their. I run off again and find a set of stairs I run the spiral for about 3 minutes before I came upon a door with the same symbol vine knot as my coin. I push it open and see an amazing room before me, the cobble stone floor and walls were cover in art and tapestry's so beautiful imagined that the gods saw them and wept.  Their was a large bed in the corner and all the furniture looked hand carved, obviously dads men (and women) had taken care of this room although it is clear it hasn't been used in a very long time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2021 ⏰

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