Chapter Seven

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Hey guys, so if you haven't already noticed I haven't updated in a while because I was going through and rewriting old chapters because I didn't like them. By the way catalinaguilbert wrote this chapter because I didn't have time so if you like it thank her dang i wrote a lot ok chapter seven coming ya way lolol.

Andreas Pov:

I can't believe she would kiss my boyfriend! I was the only person here who actually tried to be her friend, I barely knew her and she kisses my boyfriend?

"Andrea you do know-" Tyler started before I stopped him.

"No Tyler. Don't try and stick up for her. She was wrong." I said flopping onto my bed.

Tyler sighed realizing I won't be reasonable.

"You know she's not gonna get away with this." I said shooting up out of the bed.

"Andrea come on." Tyler tried failed.

"She's gonna get what she deserves."

Madison Pov:

I'm still shaken up by what happened early, so  I decided to go off for a walk. I was actually thinking about going home because I didn't want to be in a house with people who dislike me. I decided to call my mom.

"Madison! How are you babe?"

"Not to good mom. I kinda kissed this other girl's boyfriend without knowing it was her boyfriend and she kinda found out and she kinda flipped." I said.
"Well why don't you talk to Johnnie? I'm sure he would help."
My mom said sighing.

"That's gonna be a problem. The guy is Johnnies best friend."

I said quietly.

The phone went silent for a while until my mom finally decided to speak.
"Listen sweetie I have to go." My mom said before hanging up.

I should've expected that. My mom was never really there for me so I wasn't really surprised.

I decided that I was gonna search up a flight back to Los Angeles since I was considering leaving when I bumped into someone familiar.


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