Author's Note

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Writing a poem is my favorite thing to do. Whenever I feel happy or sad, or even feeling emptied and bored. I already made a lot of poems but this one is kinda special to me because some of it was inspired by several old things that I also experienced, but of course I twisted a lot of details to make it more relatable. I decided to publish it here so you can also feel the same way I felt when writing this piece, and I also want to know the perspective of readers about this kind of work. I'm still learning to do better everyday. You can talk to me if you have something to say.

I narrated a story in the form of poems.... group of poems. Maybe you haven't heard or read something like this but, why don't you give it a try?

This whole piece is made up of poems that's probably connected to each other, so you need to read it from the beginning for you to understand the message and flow of the story until you reach the end. It may caused you too much thinking and building every scenes in your mind, but I know that if you pictured it very clearly, you would understand every little things about it.

You're worth it and you matter.

Wretched Melancholy of a Gloomy GirlWhere stories live. Discover now