Chapter 4

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"Hey Ar." I said as I walked into her room. "You wanted to talk to me?"

"Uh yeah..." She said. I could tell by the sound of her voice she had been crying. I hated it when she cried.

"Aria what's wrong?" I said as I sat next to her on her bed and started rubbing her back to comfort her.

"Luke... I- I'm moving." She said and began to cry.

My heart dropped out of my chest.

"Wha- What?" I asked her in disbelief.

"My brother got a promotion and we have to move to New York." She said as she wiped her tears then playing with the bracelet I got her for her birthday a few days back.

"But Ar, you can't leave me." I said as I started tearing up.

"I'm so sorry Luke." She said to me.

"But I love you Aria." I said almost as a whisper but I knew she could hear it.

"What?" She asked looking up at me with her tear stained cheeks.

"I love you and I have for a while now." I said looking into her eyes and taking her hands in mine.

She pulled her hands away from me and shook her head.

"No Luke. You can't love me." She said.

"What do you mean I can't love you Aria? I'm not just going to stop loving you! You can't tell me how to feel about you Ar." I yelled at her with even more tears falling down my face.

"But- but, I don't love you Luke." She said looking down.

And after she said that I felt my heart break into a million pieces.

"You don't?" I said quietly.

"No." She replied bluntly. "And I never will."

"Fine you know what I'll just leave! Have fun in New York. I hope I never see you again!" I said with venom in my mouth.

"Luke wai-" She began but I cut her off.

"Fuck off."



After Luke left I kinda just stood their in disbelief. He looked so different.

He styled his hair into a quiff now, and he finally got that lip piercing he wanted. But he also had tattoos all up and down both arms. He looked really good.

Before I left and Luke and I got into that argument I really didn't mean it when I said I wasn't in love with him because I definitely was. I just knew that if I moved and I told him I was in love with him to we could never do anything about it. I didn't think we were even going to move back to California. If I did I would have told Luke how I really felt about him.

I checked the time after I stopped processing what just happened and I realized I was 15 minutes late. Shit, my brother is going to give me so much bull when I get home.

After I got my late pass from the office they sent one of their office TA's to help me find my class.

"Hi I'm Ashton." The boy said to me as we walked out of the office.

"I'm Aria." I smiled at him.

"Nice to meet you Aria. So where are you from?" He asked.

"Here actually. I left to go to New York a little over a year ago and now I'm back." I said to him.

"Oh well in that case welcome back." He smiled at me and gosh he had the deepest dimples in the world.

"Thanks." I said to him.

"You know, you should hang out with my friends and I at lunch." He told me.

"I might just take you up on that offer." I giggled.

"Okay well here is your classroom, 204." He said as he made a hand motion towards the classroom.

"Thanks Ashton, I'll see you at lunch." I said as I walked in the classroom with my skateboard in one hand and a late pass in the other. I probably looked like a complete mess right now.

"Sorry I'm late I had some difficulty getting here." I said to the teacher.

"It's okay just have a seat right here. I was just explaining some of the rules." The teacher said as she motioned for me to sit in a desk.


When lunch time rolled around I tried to spot Ashton but I just couldn't.

"Boo!" Someone yelled behind me causing me to jump.

I turned around quickly to see that curly headed Ashton.

"Ashton what the hell?" I said slightly laughing.

"Hey if we're going to be friends you better get used to it." Ashton said wiggling his finger in my face.

"C'mon my friends are over here." He said as he walked towards a table with two boys sitting their.

One had bright red hair and green eyes with an eyebrow piercing and a few tattoos on his arm. The other boy had big brown eyes with dark hair and blonde streaks in the front. He also had a few tattoos on his arms. Why do I have a bad feeling about these guys?

"Guys this is Aria, Aria this is Michael," He said gesturing to the boy with red hair. "And this is Calum." He said pointing to the boy with the streaks.

"Hi." I said smiling as I waved at both of them.

"Hey." They both said in unison.

"You should come sit next to me Aria I can keep you safe." Michael said winking at me making me giggle.

I ended up sitting next to Ashton across from Calum and Michael.

"Our other friend isn't here today, he probably ditched but you would like him." Ashton told me. Then that same bad feeling I got earlier came back.

"Oh yeah I haven't seen Luke at all today." Michael said.

Oh great.


Oh crap , shit just got real 😂 lol so guys tell me if you've been enjoying the story so far 😊 love you all 💘

Teenagers • Punk Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now