angels in the bar

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Liz paced back and forth as she listened to the voice on the other side of the phone. Will leaned on the passenger side of her car his arms crossed his eyes followed her as she paced.

"Thanks for all your help Sam, stay safe." She clicked the phone shut and stopped pacing in front of Will "no one knows anything" she informed him

Will nodded thoughtfully "let's go get a drink" he looked her in the eyes "I don't know about you but I can't stop hearing the screaming"

Liz didn't argue because she did in fact need a drink. She drove to the nearest bar she could find fortunately it was part of a motel she rented a room and gave Felix one of the keys. He was a cat but he wasn't helpless. She went to the bar and found Will he was sitting with his back against the counter scoping out his prey.

"Scotch." She said to the bartender sliding into the seat next to Will. They had a strange relationship her and Will; because they were immortal they had some perks one being living forever and two being they never aged pasted 25 but it also came with its flaws you couldn't really create meaningful relationships with anyone (though it never stopped Liz from trying) So Liz and Will always just seemed to fall back together even if they hated each other most of the time.

Will looked over at her "do you think the red headed woman is hotter than the blonde business man?" Will didn't usually pick up random people in bars he'd made it his quest to sleep with people in power, from queens and noble men to senators and presidents. But on occasion he used his powers of seduction on weaker prey.

"You know how I feel about meaningless sex" Liz said as the bartender placed the drink in front of her.

"Life is too short not to have meaningless sex"

Liz looked over at him, he was staring at her waiting for a reaction "Will we are immortal; our life's quite literally last forever"

He rolled his eyes "but who am I to waste the gift of looking 25 forever" he looked between the man and the woman "what am I thinking I can have them both."

He began to stand up when the world froze. Liz looked to her left a man now sat next to her at the bar he had brown hair and golden eyes the signature mark of an angels, "what do you want now," Liz said finishing her drink

"I heard you ran into a little trouble tonight" his voice was more like a low purr a trait specific to the angel Gabriel.

"And how'd you hear that"

"You my young collector" his hand moved to push a strand of hair out of her face but let his fingers drag on her skin, she batted his hand away "your prayers come so loud to us angels"

"Look I really don't need your help I can figure it out by myself"

"if that's truly what you want" in his hand appeared a pamphlet "but I'll leave this hear for you" he stood up brushing his hands on his pants he leaned close to her ear "think of me when you use it" he whispered.

Time unfroze and he was gone Liz felt sick. No one seemed to notice they'd been frozen. Liz looked down at the pamphlet that Gabriel had left on the bar. She picked it up but it felt dirty in her hands so she left it one the bar and went back to her hotel room.

Felix was on the bed he had the TV on his tail stood straight up in the air moving back and forth like a pendulum. He always got like this when he watched Animal Planet. Liz had gotten her bag from the car it contained her computer and multiple spell books. Felix ignored her as she opened her computer and began to search for anything about the red smoke but nothing could be found.

"Felix, this thing whatever it is it's not normal" Liz said.

"Is anything we do normal" he said absent mindedly "I mean I'm a talking cat"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2015 ⏰

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