another tag gsfdzn

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1. meaning behind my username? HAHAHAHAHAHA FUNNY HOW YOU THINK MY USERNAME IS SOMETHING RELEVANT lmao i have NO idea what my username means it was just one of those moments where you and your besties blabber literal horse poop that is dumb on a whole new level when this beautiful asf name was invented

2. favorite book hmmmmm (i'm assuming they're not asking my favorite book on here) there's no one book that i love but the agatha christie ones that i've read are my absolute favorite. some book that i remember really liking is the fault in our stars (i freaking shed a river of tears but ye)

3. my icon (i'm assuming it means my pfp you see i'm not very bright) is jayb from got7 AND MANS HAS ME SO IN LOVE WITH HIM. the bg has a pretty photo of BTS where they're looking pretty asf like always

4. i did write some stupid so-called horror stories when i was in 3rd or 4th grade i believe but that's all. all the stories i wrote after that were my english tests. but if i were to write something like write write something i'd say romance because it's a genre that i really like reading and also it doesn't need me to be smort asf and come up with mind gobbling concepts and everything (that's the main reason actually😃)

5. aight that's gonna be too much typing since i'm certainly not picking out just three out of favorites BECAUSE HELLO I CAN'T PICK JUST THREE y'all go check out this reading list of mine named masterpieces. i've all my favorites in there

6. now that, is a secret ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

7. okayyy let's do

p.s. if any person that isn't tagged is reading this and wants to continue this tag thingy then they're most welcome to do so:)

lmao this is the first time i gave kinda long answers to these tag questions. but okay i'd like to thank Aurora_1337_ for tagging me, very very kamsa my fren

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