a new home and broken hearts (edited)

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Kiawe pov

Kiawe was currently on way to the pokemon lab he had gotten lost luckily he managed to find someone who at least knew where the lab was or at least he knew how to read a map. "So what is someone from Alola doing here all the way in Orras. "Said the Pearson who was guiding his name was Jonathan Alderson he was wearing a shirt with the oshawott evolution line on it he also had  jeans that went all the way to his ankles he had red shoes on he was wearing glasses with what looked like Key Stone in the glasses had a red frame he was wearing a Redcap he had red hair that was tied into a ponytail his skin was as pale as a ghost he was also as thin as a twig ." Oh, I wanted to see the world and get stronger. "Kiawe  responded ."Oh, and why are you here all the way from  Unova?"Kiawe asked "just wanted to get away from home and also wanted to go to a lesser-known region. Oh, we're here ." Kiawe and Johnathan entered the lab.

"Ash," Kiawe said socked
                             3 days earlier

Ash pov 

 I slowly open my to adjust to the bright light  " He's waking up ." Said a familiar voice I turned my head It was James what is he doing here along with Jessie and Meowth ."Why are you here?" Asked Ash "we saved you and don't worry we are not going to steal your pokemon we are done with team rocket. " said James. "Why did you help me.?"Asked Ash ."You may be a twerp but your out twerp ."One more question did you manage to save any of my pokemon ?"Asked Ash with a slightly hopeful tone  "Yes but we only managed to save one we are sorry we couldn't save more Ash ." replied James with a somber tone. Suddenly the door opened "oh you are awake." said an unfamiliar figure she had brown hair and was wearing a lab coat she also had glasses  she was also had a relatively short stature ."Hi, you can call me Anne I'm the professor's assistant he will be here soon he just had to run some errands ." Just as soon as she came she left. "James which pokemon of mine did you save?" Asked Ash. "We don't know yet we have yet to release him from his Pokeball ." Since you know they will definitely freak out after being released since you know we tried to steal your pokemon on multiple occasions. There is one thing I forgot to mention there was also a Pokeball still on you when we saved." Respond James. "Well, I think it's safe to let them out of their Pokeballs." James handed Ash 2 Pokeballs " Come out .'" With a Flash of red, he saw a crocodile-like pokemon with black and red stripes wearing shades next to him stood a small owl-like pokemon." Rowlett and Krookedile I'm so glad you are safe. " They turned around and saw the team Rocket trio before they panicked. Ash assured them. "Don't worry they saved me and they are done with team rocket ." They immediately  calmed down." They started chatting for awhile 

50 minutes later 

"So that is why I'm banned from every Poke Mart in Sinnoh. Anyway, Ash who is your  dad?" Asked James. "Oh, my dad is." Right before asked finished  he heard the door burst open." Anne told me you are awake. I'm her dad John wait for it Meriksin ." Said a strange man who was wearing a lab court whose name was apparently John ." Out of curiosity professor is your middle name actually wait for it ?"  Asked Ash " Yeah my father made a promise to my uncle that he could pick my middle name if he got him to my birth since they were at a casino and my father was so drunk that he required subtitles to speak and wait for it was the name he picked. Enough of me I have to check on your condition and register  those pokemon to your new Pokedex." Since I assume you can't use your old Pokedex sin ." 

10 minutes later

"You'll be able to leave the lad in around 2 weeks ." "Dad I registered his pokemon to his new Pokedex I just need him to fill in his name since I'm guessing he doesn't want to use Ash Ketchum anymore ." Said Anne from across the hall" Why do you make this eerily accurate prediction about my current situation ." Your friends over there who also took it up to become your legal guardian told me about your whole being betrayed by your friends and family ."Said Anne  " Wait what was that about them becoming my legal guardians ." "Well in Orras law states someone under 18 can only get a pokemon dex with permission from one or both of their legal guardians due to the alarming amount of terrorists so yeah due to safety concerns you need both of your guardians to approve you being a trainer.  let's go finish signing you in as a trainer in Orras since your only legal guardians betrayed you and the fact that your not registered in any of the Orras databases  so these lovely people decided to adopt you and immediately did all the paperwork that allows you to be a pokemon trainer." 

"Are you sure you want to keep your name on your new Pokedex?" asked Anne ." Yeah since I have no reason to change it." "So Ash what now ?"  asked James. " Well, I will participate in this region league if it has one to prove them wrong." Responded Ash. "  " Ash just remember we are here for you me Jessie and Meowth you are not in this. "Said James "Thanks guys' responded Ash with a tear running down his face. " You still need to rest you took one hell of a beating." so back to bead with you." Said, John 


"Ash" Kaiwe said with a half-shocked expression after the brief moment of shock passed. It was soon replaced with rage at how Ash just left without a word." You have a lot of explaining to do Ash you just left without even saying goodbye in Pearson do you realize how it hurt Kukui and Burnet How it hurt the rest of us!" Kaiwe screamed at Ash with rage While Ash was slowly breaking into tears. " Sir calm down I know he did some bad stuff but he's been through a lot recently." Sad Anne in a faint hope to calm down Kaiwe. "Like What," he said with a tinge of rage still. Slowly calming down Ash started telling Kiawe everything

Lillie pov

We were currently on a swift detour t pallet town it would be a while before the next boat left so we can continue on our journey. So we could ask Ash why he just left without a Word well that was not the only reason I hopped that I could finally confess my feelings to him, Yeah I know it doesn't make sense that I still have feelings for him even if he just left me without a word. " Hey, Earth to Lillie." Gladion said while waving his hand in front of my face snapping me out of my daydream " We are almost at pallet town." "Oh sorry didn't realize I was busy dreaming" as we were approaching Ash's home there was this feeling growing inside of me as if something was wrong. When we finally reached Ahs' home we knocked on the door and Ash's mother answered. " Ms  Ketchum may we see Ash." Oh, you must not have heard I'm afraid Ash is dead he was murdered by Team Rocket, and with that." With That words, My heart was shattered into a thousand pieces and I broke down in tears. I just ran in no direction in a particular direction." Lillie where are you going!" Gladion shouted  But I barely register it 

I know it's been a while hope you enjoy this chapter tell me where I can improve and if you have any ideas for the story feel free to share them. Two questions Which pokemon should Ash get in the new region and what other pokemon should be alive in the traitor's hands I'll try to update more and bye till next time 

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2022 ⏰

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