Part 4

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Ryder's P.O.V

This wasn't what was supposed to happen. She was supposed to be just another one of his. She was supposed to be easy. She was supposed to be nobody. But all I could do was think about her. Aspen. Apsen. Aspen. That stupid name that I couldn't get out if my head. I cringed at the thought of her going to X's room tonight. At the very thought of him laying a finger on her, rage filled my veins. Angrily, I kicked the post of my bed.

Why did I feel this way about her? Never have I cared about any of the girls before her or even remembered their names. But with her it was like her name was burned into my skin. With her I actually felt guilty.

Her voice kept replaying in my head. The silliness of our conversations made a smile form on my lips. Thinking of her stubborn sarcastic attitude strangely brought fondness to my mind. Then her mother popped into my mind, my hands curling into fist, my nails digging into my palms, the smile quickly fading. She had a family. Well I guess they all have families but this was the first time I had met one of their parents. Her mother would be worried sick by now. I could see her frantically putting up missing posters around town and crying herself to sleep at night with worry.

This was all too much. Feelings were pouring through me without permission and they were taking me to a place I never wanted to go. The realization was hitting me. Too many girls and their poor sad families. So many lives enslaved to this and I, one of the culprits. None of that had mattered at all until her. She was making me go crazy and I hated it.

With a sigh I closed my eyes, knowing there was nothing that I could do right now but sleep. Though sleeping would be hard knowing she was with him.

Today was the day we got to hear all about it. Xavier would share every little detail of his first night with the new girl and we would all laugh and cheer him on. Though this time I hoped he would spare the details.
Walking with shaky slow steps, I tried to delay what was to come next. All I wanted to do was see Aspen and make sure she was okay but I knew that she would never be okay now. I had sentenced her to this life and there was no going back.

When I entered the lounge, my eyes fell upon X. He sat in a chair seemingly above everyone else's that were sitting to the sides of him like a pyramid. Before today, I had never seen Xavier as I did in this moment; a thief.

Xavier wasn't a tall man but he exuded dominance. He was young, probably around the age of 30, like most of his men. Though his youth didn't stop him from his ruthless ways. His perfectly messy hair was neither brown nor blonde; a color I found strange but many claim is attractive. He had chilly turquoise eyes and light tan skin. Some of the men view him as a god, an idol to worship. But despite his physical body having few flaws, what I knew of him made me see him as nothing but dirty.

"Ryder, come over here" He ordered in a demanding voice.

"Hey X" I greeted through gritted teeth.

"That new one you brought, she's.. different"

"Oh why's that?" I questioned, noticing a fresh small cut below X's left eye.

"Well you know how they all are, they're usually apprehensive at first but fall in love with me in seconds and practically beg for me to do them." X boasted with a laugh.

I laughed along with him. I didn't want to but I knew that's what he expected.

"She put up quite the fight though." He said recalling the events.
"Feisty, was she ever feisty. I almost felt pity for her, the way she struggled so much to the point of tears. But the good news is I broke her in. I think we'll keep this one at the big house, that way she'll be close if I ever want to have good ol' struggle." he chucked to himself again.
"Good pickings Ryder, keep it up!" Xavier concluded, getting up, giving me a slap on the back, and leaving to get a drink from the bar.

My hands shook. My heart raced. My eyes bore into the back of X's casual leather jacket. For a man who let tears only on very rare special occasions, the sting in my eyes felt foreign. I was angry. Hell, I was furious. I knew he did this to them all but just picturing Aspen with tears in her eyes trying to fight him off made me sick. There had to be a way I could get to her, just to see her and talk to her.

Suddenly an idea dawned on me.

"Hey X!" I called.
"Could I book her in for tonight? It can come out of my wages. I'm in the mood for a struggle." I laughed roughly just as he had and winked.

"For sure Ryder. And it's a gift, a reward for bringing in some of the best." X replied with a grin and a nod.

A smile of triumph appeared on my face. My plan had worked. Tonight, I would finally get to see her again..

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