New York

217 3 2

Warnings: murder, violence, alcohol, homophobia
This is a crossover between ABC Castle and Criminal Minds
Italics are inner thoughts
Word count: 1676

Y/N Perspective:

"A young woman was found dead in an alley this morning and the NYPD, 12 Precinct, has asked us to consult," Hotch said as Garcia set up the smart board.

"With all do respect Sir," Morgan interjected, "This seems like a random crime, why is the NYPD asking us to come in on it? New York has murders like this all the time, what's special about this one."

"Because Morgan, Garcia pull up crime scene photos please, notice anything?"

Your jaw immediately dropped because you knew, "Oh my god, this is the triple killer." You were from New York City, and as a blonde, you knew all about the triple killer.

"Yes Y/N, that is the theory."

"Who is the triple killer?" Morgan asked.

"He is a serial killer in New York City. He is young, probably 25-35 and white. He kills women, blondes, in groups of three. If this is his first victim, we don't have much time to find the others. He disguises himself and kills them in their apartments usually. There is something special about this woman, she was found in an alley?"

The others were impressed with your knowledge since it was your first time working a serial case, to their knowledge, but you knew you could do it. Especially this one. No one kills in your home and gets away with it, and definitely this man.

"Maybe she ran away from him," Rossi suggested.

"No, it's more than that. He was methodical. He planned. He wasn't sloppy. He didn't kill for sexual pleasure like other serial killers, he was organized. There has to be more to this woman and her connection to him."

Everyone was still shocked about your profiling abilities already, you could probably give the profile right here right now. But you had to figure this out there.

"Y/N, you have a lot of knowledge of this case clearly. I want to hear your ideas in the field. You know this case better than any of us," Hotch said to you while beginning to walk out of the room.

"Wheels up in 30," JJ said.

"Wheels up?" you asked genuinely confused at the phrasing.

"Yeah, we have a jet we use. We'll all meet there in 30," Emily explained with a smile on her face. She was impressed with your ability but found your confusion around JJ's words cute.

A. Fucking. Jet. That is crazy.

You showed a half smile and got up out of your seat when Emily brushed her hand on your shoulder, "See you on the jet," she said. You blushed but didn't mind the touch. Hopefully you will have time alone soon so you two can talk.

On the jet

You got on the jet and sat across from JJ and Garcia in a window seat with Emily next to you.

"What do you think?" Garcia asked excitedly for you to be on the jet for the first time.

"I'll say this much, it's nicer than how my old team got around that's for sure," letting out a small chuckle.

"Yeah," Emily sighed, "the BAU travels nice, one of the perks."

"So Y/N, tell us about yourself," JJ leaned forward with her elbow on the table and her chin in her hand.

"Oh ummm," you paused, "What do you want to know?"

"EVERYTHING!" Garcia said with a big smile on her face.

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