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Molten: Never have I ever given a fake name

Bryan: I have

Lefty: I have

The others haven't

Lefty: Never have I ever... gone number 1 in the shower

Bryan: I have-

Bryan: Never have I ever lied to someone in this room

Happy frog: I have.

Lefty: I have

Bryan: I have

Jon: I have

Molten: I have

Davis: I haven't

Davis: Never have I ever lied in this game

*Everyone has gone silent*

Davis: REALLY?!

RS. Freddy: Never have I ever spent more than £200 on a night out

Molten: I have, using Jon's credit card

Lefty: I have, using Davis's

Bryan: I have, my credit card.

Bryan: Never have I ever cheated on a partner *looks at Happy frog*

Molten: I have... it... was a long time ago.

Lefty: nope

RS. Freddy: Would it count if I was blamed?

Bryan: no.

RS. Freddy: well, then nope.

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