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it's a cold, windy evening. el has no food, no protection and no place to go. she is super scared and cold. the short, discomforted teen finds footsteps right next to the log she was sitting on. el was super confused because she has never seen any footsteps in the forest ever. suddenly, she hears something. its a voice from far away. 

it sounds like someone laughing. she starts to panic thinking the bad people finally found her. she starts to get worried so she decides to hide behind the log and spy to see who is coming towards her even though she doesn't want to be seen.. 

it's been 10 minutes since she started spying and the voice seems like they're getting closer little by little. el is shivering cold and needs sleep but she needs to stay awake. she makes a decision that  she should make a run for it and look for somewhere to rest. the girl is so dizzy and weak, that as soon as she stands up that she doesn't even realize which way to go. el uses the only thing she has with her, her compass, and decides which way to go as quick as she can, before her hand falls asleep. she decided that she's going west.

she starts jogging west, not realizing that she is running towards the area where the voices are coming from. she keeps jogging and each step makes her dizzier and dizzier. when el is about to collapse on the floor, she sees 2 figures and then double them. they are far away from where she is, but still near her. when her legs give up and she hears a boys voice saying ,"that's where i heard the crying from!" then she hears a deeper voice saying, "hurry up, we've got to help her!"

el ends up laying on the ground, scared but also feeling safe that someone found her. all of a sudden, she hears the two guys footsteps coming really close to her.. as she starts to get her strength back she turns over and sees this tall brunette freckled boy, probably around the same age as her. he kneels down and covers her with a blanket he brought with him. as soon as el saw him, she felt safe. she felt a way she has never felt before. the freckled boy reaches for her hand and tries to make her hand get a little warmer..

"hey, are you ok? my name is mike and i heard something coming from this area. the guy behind me. his name is hopper. we are here to keep you safe." el never felt so "important" to someone. they locked eyes for a short period of time. el used that time to study mikes sharp features. his hazel eyes, his curly hair, his c-ute face.. eleven is not much of a talker but she decided to step up. "hi m-mike.. my name is eleven but you can call me el. thank you for keeping me safe"

mike looks at el like she's a princess. even though he just met her and she is all messy from being in the forest for who knows how long. the tall boy still looked at her like she was the prettiest girl he has ever met. probably because she was the prettiest girl he has met.

"no problem el", the boy chuckled.  "enough staring at the girl mike, you can have her all for yourself later", hopper said jokingly. el and mike both blushed and were embarrassed. el doesn't realize mike likes her. mike doesn realize el has a crush on him either. hopper comes in again and tells eleven, "honey, is it okay if we can bring you to my cabin?" the tired girl thinks about it shyly, quickly and nervously but nods, agreeing to go...

v.s: hey guys this is the first chapter. I hope you guys like it as much as i do. i'm not much of a writer so yea. i love you so much! <3 

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2021 ⏰

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