Chapter 1

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It was the night before the moon was full. A sweet summer breeze washed through the forest, ruffling the hair of whoever happened to stick their head out of the cave. Felix enjoyed the wind. It made him feel like he was flying, and it brought with it all sorts of wonderful scents. On nights like this, he liked to lay in the trampled brush, and stare up at the stars as the wind continued on without a care in the world. And he would have been doing just that if it hadn't been for the strange smell that had him sitting straight up, wrinkling his nose in confusion. It wasn't an unpleasant smell by any means, simply out of place, and Felix didn't know what it was. He stood, making his way over to another figure seated on a tree stump, "Hyeong," his soft, deep voice broke through the rustling of the forest, "I smell something."

The other boy, San, raised his head, "Oh? What do you smell, Lix?" He took in the younger boy's appearance, wondering if he wanted help catching whatever he could smell.

Felix shook his head, "I don't know. I've never smelled anything like it before."

San took a deep breath in through his nose, "Ah, you're right. That is strange. Shall we go find out what it is?"

"As long as we don't get too close to the borderlands, we should be alright to investigate," Felix nodded, looking upwind into the partially moonlit forest. He couldn't see anything moving, but that didn't mean nothing was there.

San stood up slowly, stretching a bit, "alright, let's go then. Wouldn't want whatever it is to run off," he started following the scent, Felix coming behind him. They moved like the wind, almost invisible against the shadow blanketed tree trunks, only darting out into the light for a second before they were once again cloaked in darkness. The smell was getting stronger, more intense. The sweet smell of a living being, but unlike anything either could recall coming across before. And then their lines of sight caught something bright, unnatural. A florescent pink that didn't belong in the forest.

"Stay back," San whispered, taking shelter behind a tree and motioning for Felix to do the same.

Felix stared curiously at the object. It didn't look very sturdy, as the wind was shaking it pretty well. It was almost as if it were terrified of it's surroundings. 'Perhaps it should be,' Felix thought, 'Skull Clan isn't that far away from here.'

The structure began to emit a zipping noise, and a figure crawled out of it, getting up to its full height with a bit of difficulty.

San couldn't believe his eyes. This was no wolf, at least not a kind he had ever seen. It was clear though, that this was the source of the smell.

"A human?" Felix whispered, looking to his packmate in confusion. He'd never seen one this close before.

"That's what it looks like," San confirmed, "I wonder where her pack is. It's dangerous this far out in the wilderness all alone. Even for one of us."

"Ah? So it is a female?" Felix asked, taking another look at the human, "what should we do? That tent isn't going to protect her from Skull Clan at all if they find her."

"We could chase her off. She has until tomorrow night to get to safety after all," San suggested. Humans were trouble, but there was no way anyone would believe a lone young person lost in the woods. Get rid of her now, and they wouldn't have any more trouble. Her pack wouldn't need to look for her.

"Scare her into Skull Clan territory? There's no way she can cross that all in one day! Besides, she may not even know where she's going," Felix protested, "she lives in a fake cave! She obviously doesn't know how to take care of herself out here."

"Ayeeee... Hongjoong is not gonna like this..." San muttered, "you're right. We better bring her back to camp."

The girl was attempting to light a fire now, but the wind wouldn't let her sparks catch onto the kindling. She began to stack up wood to form a wind break, which was a smart idea. A noise behind her caused her to turn quickly and knock over this pile, however, and she pulled out her hunting knife from her belt, "who's there??" She exclaimed menacingly, a beam of light suddenly coming from something she pulled out of her other pocket.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2021 ⏰

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