Chapter 5- Silver

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•Skylar's P.O.V•
I got home a powered up the game on my GameBoy. I saw the Game Freak sign, but then the game crashed. I loaded it again, annoyed. It loaded and I saw it already had a game profile. ". . . , What a weird name for Pokèmon." I played it a little bit and came to a sign: TURN BACK NOW and I had a choice: Yes, No. Knowing me. I'll choose no. And it said: Hurry has fainted! Shit. I turned the game off, knowing the clock said 11:30 PM, And went to bed.
•Lost Silver's P.O.V•
I got out of the game console and looked at the girl. Haven't I seen her? Oh well. I looked around her room. She must really like Pokèmon. Her sleeping face was cute too. Cut it out Silver! you barely know her! Ugh. Slender is calling me, I better go.
~Every One Dies Sooner Or Later~

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