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"OH MY she was erisia, my neighbour and my best friend. she is coming in this school tomorrow she told me I got so happy and hugged her in excitement understand" jeyon said as he laughed
"were you angry on me for that *laughs* but why would you care if she is my girlfriend" jeyon said as he was laughing
"no I thought.....just forgot it" Veronica said as moved towards the class leaving jeyon stood there and she sat on the bench then jeyon came and sat on his bench then aana came and sat beside jeyon
"hi" jeyon said
"veronica" aana said
"what" jeyon said
"none of your business" aana said as they both sat still on the bench
"hey students, hey wonders I wanna say that, have you guys completed your assignment that I gave you" teacher said as everyone said yes
then jeyon and veronica stood and gave the assignment to teacher then aana and zona stood and gave the assignment
"oh very good everyone" teacher said as praised the class
then teacher started to give the lesson but veronica raised her hand. teacher let her spoke "I have a request" veronica said as teacher nodded "I want to sit with jeyon because my seatmate is so cruel" veronica said as aana raised her hand "teacher here is not even 1 year passed since you changed the seats so if you change it, it will be against the rules" aana said as she sat down
"ya you are right, Veronica you can't change your seats like this" teacher said as jeyon raised his hand
"why not? if I and Veronica both are agreed than what's the problem, if she is saying her seatmate is not good then the seatmate is not good" jeyon said
"I don't want a girlfriend boyfriend stuffs so please its enough" teacher said as he tools a book indicating its time to start the class
aana smiled
after the class ended
"why would you even have to change seats I'm 100% sure that you guys are girlfriend boyfriend" aana said while packing her bag
"we are not GF or BF we are just best friends and nothing us. and if you dare to tell that we are girlfriend and boyfriend then I'll kiss you" jeyon said in frustration
"if I say you guys are dating you'll...... you'll kiss me" aana said to herself as veronica came and they both left
"is everything OK" veronica said
"everything is fine" jeyon said
"you are looking like you are thinking something" veronica said
"listen Veronica tomorrow erisia will come in this school" jeyon said as he smiled
"you like erisia right" Veronica said
"I like veronica and erisia both" jeyon said as Veronica giggled and hit jeyon's arm
aana came and saw both of them playfully hitting each other and she said to herself "are you watching them aana, its all your fault you made a situation that there is veronica standing not you. Jeyon don't like you anymore, he likes Veronica and erisia he didn't even think about you, you don't even exist in his life. why didn't you make him your friend on the very first day now jeyon won't like you if you make him your friend or something like that huhhhhh!" erisia said to herself as she took steps towards her car and made her way to the home
At evening 
jeyon stood from his bed and made his way to erisia's home
"hey" jeyon said as he enters
"what are you doing girl" jeyon said
"seeing the books I want for tomorrow" erisia said
"yup you know if you will come I'll became so happy. I could spend so much time with you " jeyon said as he sat on the couch
"ya right" erisia said
"wait I've to go"  jeyon said, he starts to run out of the door
he took something he was about to go outside when he heard a doorbell, he opens it, that was Veronica with a smile "let me come in" veronica said as she enters inside the room
jeyon - our assignment is done you know
Veronica - is assignment is the reason to come in your home??
jeyon - no you could come
Veronica - so.....I was getting bored that's why I did this
jeyon - hmm
then erisia came in without permission
jeyon - erisia she is Veronica and Veronica she is erisia
veronica - hii (Veronica's fake smile)
erisia - hi Veronica 
erisia - I was getting so bored without you jeyon that's why I came here
jeyon - you don't have to take permission to come in my home
Veronica - jeyon let's go to park
jeyon - its a great idea
erisia - can I also join
Veronica - sure (,fake words she is angry inside)
jeyon - OK then let's go
they all 3 stood up and sat on erisia's car and erisia stats to drive
jeyon - erisia
erisia - yah
jeyon - what kind of coffee you like
erisia - I like all coffees jeyon what about you
veronica was getting super jealous that only two of them are talking, are they guys always come to each other's home or live like this
jeyon - hey Veronica
veronica - hmm
jeyon - what are you watching
Veronica is watching something on her phone which she is hiding from jeyon
Veronica - I'm not watching anything
jeyon - you are watching
teasingly jeyon grabs her phone in his hand and saw it was a cute and famous guys pic with veronica

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