Chapter 27. Battle Preparations.

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I could hardly believe my eyes. Luna had dragged me along to the Room of Requirement,  where all the students (except the Slytherins) had gathered. The three most wanted wizards in the entire Wizarding World, Harry, Ron and Hermione, had just climbed out of a hole in the wall and everyone was staring at them in disbelief.

"I told you they were trying to save the word," Luna casually said.

"But what brings them here? He Who Must Not Be Named isn't hiding in the school..." I pondered.

We didn't have to wait long for the reason for their visit. "We're looking for something here in the castle. It might help us defeat You-Know-Who! Something small and easy to hide. I think it has something to do with Ravenclaw," Harry announced. He looked at us desperately, and we all understood this was going to be a matter of life and death. Everyone looked at each other and wondered what it could be, but Luna immediately suggested Rowena Ravenclaw's lost diadem.

"The ghost of Helena Ravenclaw might tell you where it is," Luna stated. Everyone looked at her skeptically, but Harry decided to give it a try.

I was lost in the hustle and bustle when everyone dashed off to either look for diadems or prepare for some major turnaround. Now Harry Potter  had been sighted in Hogsmeade, word would go fast, and if he was planning on a confrontation with the Dark Lord, we had to act quickly.

"I know this may be hard for you, but it's better if you don't tell Draco about our plans," Luna said. Emma nodded and gave me a pat on my shoulder.

"What do you mean?" I asked. I knew what they were aiming at, but I didn't quite understand.

"He might tell Snape or some other Death Eater what's going on," Luna plainly stated.

"But surely I can warn him we're preparing for a battle?" I asked.

Luna looked as if she was actually considering it, but Emma frowned and said: "We can't trust him. Not one hundred percent. I'm sorry."

I looked at her in disbelief. Hadn't Draco proven to be different from his family? Yes, he was a Death Eater, but he regretted that, right?

Harry approached us, stopping me from saying something to Emma. "Luna, can you help me find that diadem?" Harry urged Luna.

"Sure, let's go," Luna smiled. She waved at us and left Emma and me in the middle of our painful conversation.

"It's best if he doesn't know," Emma repeated, and she walked away to join some Hufflepuffs.

Not sure what to think of the situation, I left the Room of Requirement and happened to see Professor Vector.

"Miss Tacendi! I was just looking for you!" she panted.

I looked at her questioningly. "As I have told you in one of my recent classes, Arithmancy can be used in battle. Professor McGonagall has asked me to collect some students and make a difference in the upcoming battle by magically calculating a few things!" Professor Vector proudly said. I could see she had never been so eager to use Arithmancy.

"Of course, let's get started!" I answered.


Students of various years had gathered in the Arithmancy classroom. Draco wasn't there, obviously, though I thought he could've given us some useful information to get started with.

"Does anyone know how many Death Eaters there are?" the Professor asked.

"At least one more since her father joined them," someone remarked.

"He didn't join them voluntarily," I corrected the student.

"But he wanted to a few years ago," he objected.

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