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                 Dedicated to Moyosoreoluwa and Elizabeth...thanks for the support🌺

                     PRESENT DAY


"You must be wondering why I haven't brought up my mother for a while now." Mimi started with a bitter smile.

"Anyways,she called like once or twice a month but I stopped picking up her calls after the third month cos she didn't deserve the right to be called my mother anymore."A tear escaped from her right eye as she continued.

"To me,she is just as worse as my step-father because she totally abandoned us just for the sake of a god-damn career... what sort of mother would do that to her own children?" She raised her voice in rage and slammed her fists against the table.

Her eyes were fixed on the table the whole time she was talking but she raised her head and regained composure.

"I knew what it felt like to go through pain at a very young age without having a mother to stand with me." She started blinking rapidly as tears were threatening to fall once more.

"I....I was in o..wn world, torn,b
...bro...broken,em..pty." She started sobbing quietly.
The two officers felt so much empathy for her and Officer Stella rubbed her arms to comfort her.

"Anyways,after the incident the day my stepfather came back from the police station,the bitterness I had grew into hatred and only one thing kept screaming to me:
'i want my own share of blood.'


              SEVEN DAYS AGO

"Blood of Jesus!!!" Toke shouted and got up from the bed when she saw her sister the following morning.

"Aunty Mimi,what's all this on your face?why are there bruises on your face? Look at your whole body too!!! How?what?why? When?" Toke bombarded her with questions all in one breath.

"Look Toke,I'm fine,okay? You don't need to bother yourself." Mimi forced a smile on her face.

"Ahhhh...fine ke,this is the total opposite of whatever you're saying. You're always nursing one bruise or the other every time. Sometimes on your hand,legs,thighs and now face? Toke began raising her voice.

"I know I'm your younger sister but I'm not a baby anymore,there are some things you need to talk to me about. You always come up with one excuse or the other finding something to blame.

"You'd blame,the door,the table,the stairs,what are you going to blame now? The window?? Toke shouted with exasperation.

Mimi,still sitting on the bed sighed deeply and drew Toke's hands who was standing in front of her and made her to sit beside her.

"Hmmm...Toke,I know you really care about me and I really appreciate it, I really do but there are some things better left unknown for your protections. I promise to tell you everything when the time is right, okay? Mimi was praying inwardly that she'd drop the topic.

"Fineee!! But this is the last time I'll not make any moves to find out what is going on. She said with a sigh

"You've been a like a mother to me and I don't want anything to happen to you,I just want you to be happy,sis." Her voice was very low and touching.

"I know baby girl,I'm fine." Mimi drew her into a hug and they remained like that for a while until Toke spoke up.

"I'm not a baby girl again o,I'm already almost your height sef." They burst into laughter and hugged each other again.

"I love you and you'd always be my baby girl.

"I love you more sissy."


Mimi could not go to school for the next three days because the bruises were too much to cover. Even a pack of concealer could not hide the scar on her face.

Her Stepfather, Paul had not been to the house since that night and she was very glad for that. She begged Toke to just tell anyone that asks of her that she is ill. She didn't want people to see her in her present condition.

During those three days,there are times where she'd cry for hours due to the constant images that kept popping into her head. She would sometimes result to self-harm just to feel better.

On the evening of the third day,while Mimi was still sleeping waiting for the arrival of her sister,her phone rang:
She knew it could only be Jessica calling her as she had been calling her for the past three days to ask for her welfare.

She didn't look at the screen to check who was calling but just picked the call and put it to her ear

"Yes Jessica,what na? Sebi we've talked this morning"She said with a grumpy voice still in a sleepy state.

"Oh Mimi dear,this is not Jessica,it is Mrs Essy." The person at the other end said.

That slapped the sleep out of Mimi as she quickly sat upright on the bed.

"Oh good evening ma, I..I'm very sorry ma." She said in embarrassment.
Miss Essy chuckled a little before she continued:

"No problem dear,you've not been in school for three days now,is anything the problem?

"No ma,I'm very fine."
"Okay,can you come to my house today,I have something very important to tell you."

"Okay ma,I'll be there in thirty minutes."
"Bye dear,I'll be expecting you." And with that,she ended the call.

Mimi took one last look at herself in the mirror,she had used concealer to cover most of the injury on her face and wore long clothings to hide the other injuries on her body.

The door opened and Toke entered into the room. She dropped her bag on the floor and crashed on the bed.

"Arrrggghhh!!! I hate that maths teacher,her oversabi is too much abeg. Must she give us assignment again? All these wahala sef." Toke complained as usual again.

"Hehe,you'd get used to it jare." Mimi told her as she went to carry Toke's bag and placed it on the bag hanger.

"Abegggg!! Where are you going to sef,this one you're dressed up?"

"Oh,I'm going to Mrs Essy's house on the second streey,she said she wants to see me,abi will you follow me?

"Follow ke?I just want to eat and sleep,I'm very tired."

"Lazy girl,I'll be right back..don't open the gate for strangers ooo. Mimi warned.

"Yes mummy. Oya be going ah."

Mimi walked into Mrs Essy's compound and after knocking on her door,she heard a 'come in" and she pushed the door open and entered.

However,the sight before her left her frozen to the spot,her fists balled into fists and her legs shaking in anger. The bag she was holding also fell from her hand in shock.


What/who did Mimi see that made her so shocked? Wait for the next chapter to find out.
Something big is also going to happen in the next chapter...can't waittt😇

Anywhoo...I made this chapter long because I love you guys so make me smile by voting, commenting and most importantly, recommend to your friends as well.

   Till next time,

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