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Though the scale of the threat posed by the Yuuzhan Vong was now clear, the Republic did not alter its basic strategy. The Defense Force's strategic posture was determined by Supreme Commander Admiral Sien Sovv and the Chief of StaffCommodore Turk Brand. Both had great reputations from tactical engagements in the Galactic Civil War, but were later criticized in a Confederation scandoc as having no knowledge of how to fight a war strategically.The New Republic Defense Fleet positioned itself to protect the major hyperlanes leading to the Core Worlds and the Colonies.

While the New Republic built up its forces. Sovv and Brand sought to engage the Yuuzhan Vong from a position of strength on a battlefield of their own choosing to defeat them decisively. Their strategy was fundamentally based in their perception of what had allowed the Rebel Alliance to decisively defeat the Empire at the Battle of Endor. However, Sovv and Brand neglected other tactics that had also served the Rebellion, including commerce raiding, pinpoint strikes, and local defense. This made the New Republic appear weak in the early stages of the war, and while the Eternal Order took a more proactive stance, their lack of ships meant that the Yuuzhan Vong were able to advance early with great ease.

From Sernpidal, the Yuuzhan Vong returned to and conquered Dubrillion and Destrillion before moving onto Dantooine, where refugees from Dubrillion that had been evacuated by Lando Calrissian and the children of Delvargus, Joseph, and Sonic The Hedgehog called The Avengers were being sheltered, precipitating a terrible massacre. During the battle, the Yuuzhan Vong first unleashed legions of reptoid Chazrach slave soldiers and beetle-like thrall herders, both creatures from their galaxy.

 During the battle, the Yuuzhan Vong first unleashed legions of reptoid Chazrach slave soldiers and beetle-like thrall herders, both creatures from their galaxy

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