The making of The Scarlett Soldier

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1 week later

A stirring movement from underneath me woke me up to see Winter's face smiling towards me as he pointed towards the door, signalling that someone was entering. Grunting, I swivelled my head towards the door to see who was entering the small cell. Towering over us was the man known as our handler. "You must come with me now as you are going to have a surgery to change the hearing systems so you are able to fulfil your potential for Hydra." He enunciated so I could understand every word. Honestly I don't need you to exaggerate your lip patterns to understand what one is saying, all you have to do is make sure the room is well lit and you are speaking clearly not mumbling or shouting. A heavy coldness sank deep into my bones as I looked towards Winter with wide eyes, screaming a silent call for help. The realisation that this could be the last day with my clear and conscious mind screamed through my head. The handler roughly grabbed my wrist and started to drag me out out the cell, leaving Winter trying to reach out to me with a sad gaze as the door slammed on him.  Thoughts in my head screaming at me to escape the grip and escape Hydra with Winter. Adrenaline built up in my veins as I thrashed in his steel grip, trying any possible method to get free from his grip. Tears streaming down my porcelain face as we entered a large white tiled room, blood covering many surfaces in the room making it look like a murder room. Handler slammed me onto the table in the centre of the room as scientists around me strapped me in with vibranium cuffs. My back arching at the contact with the bitter cold steel surgical table. A needle stabbed into my neck as my vision started to tunnel in, as i felt the scalpel cutting the skin behind my ear and fingers scuffling under the skin. Aesthetics taking over my body as my eyelids feel heavy. A peaceful darkness pulls me under as I welcome it with open eyes, hoping that I wouldn't have to wake up.

1 Year Later

Grunt... Smack... BANG... Woosh... SMACK ... Winter was pinned under body as we spar during our training sessions. We use multiple weapons during our spar to get the opponent down we use guns and knives etc.  "Ты поправилась, Скарлетт! Готовы к своей первой миссии завтра? Вы добьетесь успеха и произведете впечатление на ГИДРУ." ("You have gotten better Scarlett! Ready for your first mission tomorrow? You will do well and impress HYDRA.")

I stared back at him with an emotionless face as Hydra has taught me to do so as emotions make you weak and vulnerable. I'm no damsel in distress so I don't need them. Creaking of the door whipped our attention towards it, showing our handler at the other side. I walked towards him with my face looking towards the floor, remembering the rules of Hydra. 1) Don't look at anyone superior in the face unless asked to do so. 2) Don't speak unless spoken to or given permission. 3)Don't make a noise when receiving punishment. 4) Address everyone higher up Ma'am or Sir. 5) Don't fail in anything whether it be spars or missions. If you break any of these you receive punishment.

Guards gave me my new suit and weapons before handcuffing and moving me to the briefing room. The suit was a full black skin-tight jumpsuit with spaces for weapons all over, Black leather combat boots with knife slots and a mask to cover the bottom half of my face.  A shove comes from behind pushing me into the briefing room with Leader looking down upon me. I kept my eyes trained on the floor waiting to be addressed and briefed of my mission.

"Миссия: Убейте этих людей, показанных в файле. Они будут в хижине в укромном лесу на границе с Россией. Вы будете перенесены туда сейчас, и вы должны выполнить миссию до полуночи, иначе будут последствия. Остальная необходимая информация находится в файле." ("Mission: Take out these men shown in the file. They will be in a cabin in the secluded woods on the border of Russia. You will be transported there now and you must complete the mission before midnight or there will be consequences. The rest of the information required is in the file.") Handing me the file, he signalled to the guards to take me to the vehicles. Calloused hands grip my small arms harshly dragging me towards the exit. Cars starting up in the distance could be heard as we made the way through the monochrome corridors. Entering the garage, the tactic team shoved my small stature into one of the vehicles before driving away towards the location.

11:00 pm

5 miles away from the location cars parked up and one of the tact soldiers uncuffed me whilst placing a tracking bracelet on my wrist, as a precaution if someone was to influence my actions. I started making my way through the woods making sure no one was following whilst checking my weapons were ready for use. 10 men needed gone as they are a threat towards Hydra and world peace. Approaching the cabin, I could see all ten men in a dining room drinking and playing card games whilst discussing important affairs. An upstairs window was left open allowing me to slip into the building unnoticed. Landing into a bathroom, footsteps headed towards the bathroom I hid in the dark corner. A tall caucasian man in his 40's entered locking the door behind him. A hand wrapped around his mouth as one of my golden daggers slid across his now sickly pale skin, leaving him to fall to the ground without a sound. 1 down, 9 to go. A cynical smile danced across my face underneath the mask as a fearful plea of his eyes died out with the crimson pool spreading under him, staining the pristeen tiled floors.  Quietly unlocking the door, I kept moving through the corridors without a sound. Some of the men started to stumble into the bedrooms along the corridor clearly drunk out of their brains. Sliding into the first room I found 3 of the men passed out on different furnitures within the room each blissfully unaware of me. All three got taken out through different methods such as blunt force trauma, suffocation and poisoning. An easy 3 simple kills without any effort. 4 down, 6 to go... Swiftly moving throughout the remaining rooms, men were killed in many different ways whether it be long or short death before one was left. Santiago Jenkins, the leader of the group was lounging on the couch with a bottle of whisky in his hand, money lounging in large piles next to him. Aiming a small flock towards his head with a silencer on, I quietly counted down the seconds before a loud Bang erupted from the gun. 10 down, 0 to go...

5 years later
500 completed missions all successes. I am Hydra's lead asset at the age of 11. 3 months since Bucky left for his mission.... A small feeling fills my gut as I internally worry wether he is ok. Whispers filled the base with news of The Winter Soldier going rouge and befriending S.H.I.E.L.D. Our enemies... I hope he would come back for me but each day that hope starts to diminish. Programming is tomorrow, I hope that I don't forget him but it will ease the pain that I'm feeling.

He promised me that we would escape together and he leaves at the first chance he gets without me. Clearly I didn't mean as much to him as I thought I did.
Promises are made to be broken...
My heart is shattered....
He took all of my pieces with him...
Screw emotions, I don't need them if I'm only going to get hurt by them.

I want to forget James 'Bucky' Barnes aka The Winter Soldier.

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