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" Let's go Alec!Dad is waiting for us in the car," I snapped at my 9 year old little brother urging him to step off the slides at the park.

" Im coming!" He yelled back to,I bet irritated that i was shouting at him.

He slid down one more time and began to run towards me but fell down a few feet from me.Annoyed by his clumsiness I sighed loudly and went to help him up.

" Look at what i found," he said as he got up and dusted himself off.

I didnt even look as I turned on my heel and began heading towards the car. The sound of his feet behind me was the one which assured me he was following me.
Now that I think back to it, I wish I had looked at what he had found.

Later on that night,I got thirsty. I glanced at my alarm clock ,it was 2.47 AM. I thought I was imagining things but I could hear whispers from Alec's room which was right next to mine. As I got to his door,the whispers simmered down and it got silent .He didn't sleep talk ,wondering who he was talking to since Mom and Dad were asleep in their room,I decided to look.

The room was dark so I flipped on the switch which was strange but Alec's sitting position was stranger. He had nictophobia so he always slept with the lights on. So to find him sitting in the middle of the floor ,cross legged and looking at me directly really creeped me out. I looked around the room but it was empty.

" Who are you talking to you creep?" I asked expecting us to engage in the pathetic banter we usually did when I insulted him.

I expected him to say," You're the creep!" He didn't. He just stared back at me,with a glazed over look in his eye,his normally hazel eyes looking black.

" Okaaaaay," I drawled out."Go back to sleep," I told him as I closed the door but left the lights on. I felt a shiver crawl down my spine but went down the stairs to the kitchen.

Maybe it was the lighting,I thought to myself as I drank the water. When I passed his room when going back to mine, I looked down at the tiny slit down the door and it was dark. Maybe he had gotten over his fear. The next morning I got ready for school and went down for breakfast. I would be lying if I said that how Alec looked at me from the night before didnt bother me.

" Where did you get that honey?" My Mom asked Alec as he devoured his breakfast.

" In the park," he said his mouth full of pancakes as some spilled out.I twisted my face in disgust and gagged.

" No talking with food in your mouth Alec," I told him . He looked at me and opened his mouth wide so I got a good view if the masticated pancakes and then smiled sneakily. His usual bad eating behaviour atleast sized down my worries and I ignored the poking feeling in my chest

" Mom! Did you see what he did?" I asked her as she sat down beside Dad and sighed while shaking her head. Even she had gotten tired of telling him to behave during meals.

"Be nice son," my Dad said as he sipped his coffee and read the paper.


That night, I felt thirsty too . Once again I heard the whispers and I tiptoed and quickly opened his door to use the element if surprise. I couldn't see a think,the room was unusually pitch black. Even light from outside didnt manage to get in. This time,the window was open,the wind blew and made the room colder. Alec was now in the corner, his legs bent such that they made letter v on either side.He made no effort to move as I got in the room and went to close the windows. I snapped them shut and as i turned, I found Alec standing right behind me.

" Whoa, how did you get here?" I asked him chuckling nervously." Why did you open the windows? " I asked him as I moved toward the door,still facing him.

He yawned and I was 100% sure I saw a fly fly out of his mouth. He ignored my questions and went to bed and slept on top of the blankets.

I furrowed my brows in confusion, it was cold in here. I shook my head and just left the lights on.

The next morning,things were normal. He ate awfully ,he ate too much,he ignored Mum's words to have proper table etiquette, we fought over the last few drops of syrup. He was normal. It was scary.

That night,I didnt sleep. I stayed up walking to and fro in my room. Trying to dance macarena whenever i felt overwhelmed with sleep. Splashing water on my face,dipping my feet in a bucket of cold water.

Then it happened. I heard it. Exactly 2:47 AM. The whispers were now more distinct and I could tell it wasn't Alec's voice. I started to hear scratches,on the floor. Terrified doesn't even beg in to explain what I felt at that moment. I slowly opened my door,thankful it didn't creek and stepped out.

For a moment I stood outside my door,hoping my parents were hearing what I was,but those guys slept like logs. I walked to his door and like yesterday, I was met by a blast of cold wind . My hands were shaking as i flipped on the switch.

I will never be able to forget what I saw. I froze and felt my fingers and toes turn cold . Alec stood with his legs bent in an awkward position. They curved backwards and the ankle to the toes were hooked on his shoulder. His hands supported him from the front and had his face twisting in the most disturbing manner .He then lowered his mouth to the floor and dragged his teeth across the floor. How his teeth were able to do that was beyond me. As he lifted his face to me he shrieked ,his mouth dripping blood from his gums.

"Honey,what's that sound?" I heard my Mum's sleep ridden voice ask me as she dragged her feet towards me. As soon as she laid her eyes on her son,she let out an ear piercing scream that shook me out of my daze.

Dad came running to us almost slipping and looking around in confusion. His eyes held a mixture of disbelief and heartbreak as he took in the state his son was in.

" What's wrong? Why are you screaming?" I didnt need to turn to know that was Mrs.Turner, our nosy neighbour. She was everywhere. I felt Dad turn to look at her,wondering how she got in.

" Spare key,under the mat,and what is that horrible sound?" She said as she walked towards us .

She gasped loudly as soon as she saw Alec. " You guys might want to get him looked at," she said backing away slowly.

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