The Prophecy

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"Hit him with your sword! Good. Now parry! Dodge quick! Hit him again and... Ok, we've finished for today. Well done D'Spayr."

The coach walked off the field and I shook the hand of my opponent and put my practise sword away. I was drenched with sweat, thick beads making their way down my forehead. I removed my helmet and armour, and put my shield on the defense table, carefully setting it down as it should be. This was the third time this week that I managed to beat my opponent. I was starting to get good at fighting, considering I only started training five weeks ago. I walked across the battle grounds, heading towards the dorm. I looked around, and was surprised to see so little people outside. That was wierd, as the knights-in-training had most of their lessons outside. Something was up, and as I looked around my eyes set on one of the buildings.

Of course.

A council had been called, and obviously it was such a pressing matter that most of the camp was called to be there. So instead of walking to the dorm, I changed my course to the council room. I had to see what was going on. However, because I was a newbie in the camp, I wasn't allowed to join in on the meetings, so I would have to sneak and try to overhear what they were saying through the window.

As quietly as I could, I tip-toed across the vast open area, and crouched down low beneath the council window. It was shut, so I couldn't hear the voices as well, but I could hear snippets of what was being said.

"The Prophecy... Where is the... We need... What the next great prophecy is... Why is it late..."

Suddenly, it became dark in the council hall, and through the window I could see thick, purple smoke floating and gathering in the middle of the room. One of the council member opened the window so that the people inside wouldn't choke on this mysterious smoke. The council was silent, and then the smoke went away and in the middle of the table was a piece of paper. Everyone started to talk and shout and the sound was deafening until-


Everyone turned to look at Zordon, the old leader of the council.

"The Prophecy has come, my friends," He said. "Let me read it out to you, and then we can discuss."

He reached out across the table and picked up the parchment that was lying there. I gasped. So that's what they were waiting for, for the prophecy to come.

Zordon cleared his throat, "The one who calls himself D'Spayr, will journey through the land and air, he will find the sacred blades, but then he will be betrayed, by one who calls himself a friend, who will journey with him until the very end."

Silence fell upon the room, and everyone's faces went grim. My face went slack. This prophecy was about me?

"Bring me the boy!" Cried Zordon, "I wish to speak with D'Spayr.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2021 ⏰

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