Chapter 12: The (A) Glimpse Into The Future

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Jenny Pov:

They say luck barely comes to your side. And i couldnt agree more.

Me and my cousins had decided to find aunt y/n but instead it all ended terribly wrong .

If only i had known what was about to happen then i wouldnt have let anyone near these people.

Uncle Aidan got shot , by apparently one of my cousins aka there kid.

And dont even get me started on Aunt Y/n , Miles and Mia whom also turned out to be my cousins.

Miles aka the black Death. Yeah i still havent wrapped my mind around that one.

I let out a sigh as i stare at my chains that these people had put on me.

I look at my cousins specifically Miles and Mia .

Miles looks at me and gives me a reassuring nod which would have heloed if we all werent chained in a dungeon thats located in God knows where.

I just hope My mom and dad and my aunts and uncles got out in time.

But i knew deep down that the chances of their survival were low.

Suddenly the doors to the dungeon open and all 5 of us see our 6th cousin Max .

He has a sinister grin on his face that screams trouble.

And i was proven right when he took out his gun and pointed it at Miles.

To think all of this started a few days ago.

Time Rewind to a few days ago;

Aidans Pov;

Ahh ... that was not nice. I look at my chest or rather cloths where there were 6 visible holes. 

Thank god i had worn a bullet proof vest and i was lucky that i wasnt shot in the head or else i was a goner for sure.

I cant believe Max shot me !

And how did he know about me and y/n?

If he knew then why didnt he come to us ?

Soo many questions !!

Wait ...... Y/n ! Oh no what if Max gets to her too....

I quickly dial her number and Jenny picks it up.

I greet her and ask her where y/n is and she says that she left her phone here and went to a graveyard .

I thank her and i didnt have to think twice to wonder which graveyard .

I quickly get inside my car and drive towards the grave yard.

Y/n's pov:

Well this isnt quite how i imagined this reunion.

I imagined a big dinner filled with tears laughter and joy .

I definitely didnt expect blood, murderous rage and violence.

I was in my thoughts when Mia all of a sudden pushed me and her down and we barely missed a knife headed for our throats .

Ohh so Miles was trying to kill us.

Honestly i dont get paid enough to see my child through a murderous homicidal tantrum.

We quickly stand up and i see Mia about to charge at miles but i held out my hand indicating that i was going to handle this on my own.

I step towards miles and i see his eyes had a very dangerous gleam to them. Kinda reminded me of Aidans serial killer days.

I wasnt scared though in fact i was more than excited and mentally thinking of family games and vacations and what not.

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