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The video above is just to give you an idea of the setting. Hope it helps😁

The moon shining down on the forest makes the large trees cast dark shadows. The ice cold wind blows and rustles the leaves as if they are whispering. The rain pouring hard makes it a bit difficult to see ahead. I can hear them running after me in the distance. 'Run. Just run. Don't let them catch you.' I tell myself over and over.
The forest flies past me as I run as fast as I can. Ice cold fear keeps pouring over me whenever I hear them. The sound of my heart thundering echoes in my ears, my adrenaline pumping through my veins. Mud splashes up my legs as my feet pound on the muddy ground. Fear was filling my body, like blood, telling my instincts to keep running.
My legs give out from under me, I go crashing to the ground. I steady my breathing and slowly get up to my feet shaking. I wait and listen to hear them. I hear their voices faintly, but getting closer. I try to run but end up falling again. I look for a place to hide, and find a hollowed out log that is just big enough for me to crawl into. Inside the log is damp and so dark I can't even see my hand in front of my face. I close my eyes and let my other senses expand out. I smell the wet dampness of the log, the coldwind blowing in the scent of leaves and rain, but no sign of them. I listen carefully, and hear the soft hooting of am owl,crickets chirping, rustling of leaves. Focusing more on, hearing, I hear their footsteps kn my left.
"Keep looking, she couldn't have gotten far." I hear one of them say. I hear them walking around. Concentrating on the sound I hear 5 of them. One of them comes next to the log and I hear his breathing. I scoot quietly to the end of the log and see his legs. Very quickly I strike him in the knees with my foot. With a sickening crack he falls down, and I punch him him in the face to knock him out. I hear the others running over and I quickly turn and run. I feel a sharp pain in the back of my left leg and go crashing down. I look at it and see a knife. Trying hard not to scream I pull out the knife and rip part of my shirt and wrap it around my leg. I get up and start running again when I hear their voices getting closer.
My left leg gives out, and I fall. I help myself up using a tree. I lean against the tree and rest a bit, closing my eyes. They shoot open when a sound of crunching leaves comes closer. Fear shoots through me when I hear someone say,
"The scent of fear is a wonderful thing don't you think?" They emerge from the shadows and surround me in a circle, 10 total. One of them walks forward, the shadows hiding his identity. I sit up, tense and ready to fight, pain shoots up and down my leg. When he comes closer I strike with my fist, he blocks me and punches me in the stomach. I fall gasping for breath.
"Disappointing really. I was hoping for a better fight from you." He says, "guess he was wrong about you." He looks at me judging.
"Who are you talking about?" I ask quietly. He doesn't answere."Who are you talking about?" I ask again louder.
"Like yiu don't know." He smirks. I get up slowly from the ground.
"Answere me right now. If this person told you about me then you know what I'm capable of. So answer me coward." He punches me in the face and I fall again the taste of blood filling my mouth. He bends down to look me in the eyes. Right before he could say anything, I did what anyone would else would do. I spit in his face.
"YOU NASTY ANIMAL!" He wipes the blood and spit from his face and he gets up. He goes to one of his buddies and says something, he comes back. "If it were up to me I would end you now, but sadly he wants you alive, but he didn't say how alive." He starts kicking me in my left leg over and over, my screams echoes in the forest. He suddenly stops and walks to the edge of the circle. I quickly try to come up with a plan to get away. Someone enters the circle and fear freezes me in place as I recognize his red eyes as they bend down  to look directly, in mine.
"I'm coming for you Kalia Singer." Is the last thing I hear when I black out in pain.

Hello! I hope you all enjoy this! I'll try my best in getting a part 2 in. Um, ya. Enjoy

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