Chapter 1

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I sat next to Harry Ron and Hermione on the Hogwarts Express and we talked about the weirdest things.We were now in our 6th year and although the three of them are Gryffindor and I are the rain, we got along great since the first year.
"This year we will definitely get to know a lot of new potions and spells."
Hermione said enthusiastically.  Ron, Harry and I started laughing as I think we were all thinking the same thing.
"oh, Hermione"
Said Ron.
"You waste your time far too much on school material. How about if you finally come to his of the parties this year?"
Hermione's eyes widened and I knew exactly what she was about to say.
"Ron Weasley, if you weren't going to parties all the time, you might not have to copy my homework off all the time.  Maybe it would be good for you to learn a little more and celebrate less.  Especially because we have our final exams next year."
Hermione replied annoyed.  Ron just rolled his eyes and was about to start discussing when the train stopped.
"We are there people."
Said Harry, preventing ron from saying anything stupid.  With our luggage in tow, we left the Hogwarts Express and made our way to the castle.  It is so unreal that we will be writing our final exams as early as next year.  After that we are done with school and will not see each other every day and have wild parties, which made me a little sad.  In the middle of my mind, I didn't notice that I was running straight into someone.
"Look out, you disgusting little toad."
I heard someone say. That voice, who could forget it.
"Malfoy, I have a name and you know it very well."
I said in a rage.
"Shut up, the next time you open your eyes when you run, Laura."
He replied annoyed.  When he pronounced my name I got goose bumps, after I gathered myself again, Pansy and I went to our dormitory.  Pancy and I got along, and we've always been pretty good.  but sometimes it really sucks that she raved about Draco all the time.
"Blaise told me, that you ran into Draco today."
She says with a laugh.
"Where were you with your thoughts Laura?"
I tell her that I was thinking that the final exams would be next year and that next year would be our last.  Pansy and I talked for a while, then we went to dinner together.  Draco and Blaise were sitting across from Pansy and me and I kept catching Draco watching me closely, what was he doing?  he cursed me now because I accidentally ran into him today?
I heard a soft voice say it was Blaise.  I looked at him questioningly and went on talking.
"Would you like to come to my party tonight?  You are welcome to bring your friends."
I looked at Draco inconspicuously, who didn't seem too enthusiastic about Blaise's question, but he didn't say anything.
"Please do, Blaise. When should we be there?"
I replied and his face brightened as Draco's gaze grew darker and darker.  Blaise gave me a time and we said goodbye.  I ran to Hermione, Harry and Ron and told him about the party.  Somehow we managed to persuade Hermione and we arranged to meet at Blaise's and Draco's dorm at 10pm sharp.  Pansy, I went back to our dorm and started getting ready.  Pansy looked beautiful, she was wearing a dark green, tight-fitting, strapless dress that went up to her knees.  She rounded it off with subtle eye make-up and black high heels.  I put on a dark green mini skirt and a white crop top.  I completed the outfit with my loved ones green high heels and a slightly more eye-catching eye make-up.
"Laura, you look stunning."
Said Ron when Pansy and I meet Hermione, Harry and Ron outside Blaise and Draco's dormitory.  I saw a glimmer of jealousy in Hermione's eyes because she had been in love with Ron for years.  But as we all knew, Ron doesn't notice.  I thought it was a bit strange that loud music was booming out of the sleeping bag, but that changed when Blaise opened the door for us.  The dormitory has been occupied by a spell of silence, not so stupid at all.
"Wow Laura.  You look beautiful.  Pansy, you too, by the way."
Blaise said when he greeted us.  We went in quickly so that no teacher would hear about the party.  There were probably 30 people there, most of them Slytherins, but I could make out a Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw or two.  Pansy pulled me straight to get a drink.  Then I saw him, quite inconspicuously standing in the corner.  And again he looked me up and down.

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