Nassor's Birthday

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It was a crisp and cool October morning. The birds chirped and the sun hung low in the sky, still rising up. It was like every other morning to the others in Mister Rzykruski's class. Wake up, eat breakfast, get ready, go to school. Except for Nassor.

He awoke around six in the morning to his father shaking him not so gently.

"Father?" the boy groaned, rolling over and sitting up. "Has my alarm clock broken?"

"No, son! Don't tell me you've forgotten what day it is now. You shall get cleaned up then come help with the preparations for tonight's party. You won't be attending school, so don't take one's time," The man huffed.

Before Nossar had a chance to respond, the tall man had already walked out of his room and closed the door with a click.

Wonderful. Now he definitely remembered what day it was. It was his fourteenth birthday, and one thing his family strictly believed in was that you have to work for relaxation. So when it was someone's birthday, they and one other person would work hard in the day to prepare for the upcoming celebration. Only come evening could you relax.

Well, it wasn't like he could do anything about it. So he sighed and pulled himself out of his warm cocoon of blankets and stalked over to his dresser.

Once there, he opened the old wooden doors and brought out a dark purple turtleneck and some black jeans. He didn't bother wearing anything too fantastically nice as he knew by the time he was finished working his clothes would probably be soiled from cooking.

After putting those on and tossing his old garments in a laundry basket, he took a few steps to his bathroom and brushed his teeth, taking a little extra time to floss as well. He had just gotten out when his father called for him.

"Robert! Hurry now!" He yelled, voice muffled by the wall that stood between them.

"I'm coming!" he shouted back, dashing out of his bedroom.

Once he arrived at the kitchen he saw his father by the sink, arms crossed around his chest.

"Good. I'll start with the decorations while you work on the dishes."

Nassor had to stop himself from letting out a complaint. Goodness, this was going to be a long day.


After many long hours, they were finally done working. Well, Nassor was done working. All his father had done was put up a few decorations and then proceed to sit around and tell him what to do. But either way, he was pleased. The dining room was decorated beautifully, with shiny streamers hanging from the ceiling and balloons of all his favorite colors floating in the corners. And most importantly, the table was covered with delectable food. It consisted of fruit, small bowls of nuts, and other snacks, with two birthday cakes sitting in the center. One was chocolate and the other was vanilla. Looking at it made him wish the guests would hurry up so he could eat.                                                                                                                                                                                                 But that wasn't the only part of the house that was jazzed up. On the kitchen island sat shiny plates and utensils, along with a stack of cups and a large water dispenser.

Before he could finish admiring his work, though, he remembered he should probably start getting ready. With a huff he ran back to his room, beginning to look through his dresser again. He decided on a white button-up, black dress pants, and a gray bowtie. After he put it on he walked into his bathroom and combed his hair, slicking it back a little. He stared into the mirror and decided he looked nice.  

A little while later, a doorbell rang. A grin split across his usually expressionless face. That must mean his first guest had arrived! He hurried to the living room, seeing that his father had already answered the door. It was his grandmother and grandfather. After he greeted them and got many a kiss, more people started to pour in. Aunts and Uncles gave him hugs, cousins gave him pas on the back, and then-

"Hey Nassor! Sorry, we were a bit late!"

The familiar voice of Victor made him perk up, as he looked to the doorway and saw all his friends standing there. 

"Hello, fools," He joked, not being able to bite back a giddy smile. 

They all shared the same reaction, giggling and laughing. 

"Where do we put the gifts at?" Toshiaki asked, shaking around the gift box in his arms.

"I'll show you, come with me."

With that he turned around and begun guiding them through the house, bringing them to a table in one of the hallways. He could already see a few presents that had been left there, and their shiny ribbons and wrapping paper enticed him greatly. 

"My father said to place them right here."

"Oh hey, that reminds me.." Victor said as he put down his present. "What's your dad look like? I don't think I've ever seen him."

"Me either!" Bob said. 

"None of us have," Elsa responded.

"Hmm, well if you really want to see-"

Just then, Nassor's father happened to walk into the room. He saw his friends' eyes go wide and he couldn't help but snicker. His dad was often called scary looking by others, as he was very tall and had a menacing look to him.

"Hello, Robert's little friends. There are only a few rules here. You are to pick up your garbage, do not mess with the furniture, and do not go in rooms that have the doors closed. Understood?"

"Yes sir," they all chimed in unison.

"Good. Have a good time now."

With that he walked off, leaving the friends alone. 

"Why is he so tall?" Bob squealed.

They all laughed at that. It was going to be a fun night.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07, 2021 ⏰

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