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So Wanda is 15.. yeah. There is gonna be some abuse and mistreatment.
Clint's POV:
Rhodey was being loaded into an ambulance and a unconscious Sam is dragged over. Government soldiers show up and Vision practically shoves Wanda over to me and leaves. Wanda gets close to twenty guns trained on her, "She's a kid!!" I yell and a guard rolls his eyes at me and promptly approaches Wanda. I watch the guard shove her on her knees and then watch him put restraints which cover her hands on. The guard then grabs her by the arm and yanks her up, "Get moving, Maximoff." Wanda walks towards where I was and we get into a helicopter, and sit in rows. Sam was roughly put in the helicopter while unconscious, and Scott gets in, "It be nice if they gave me some orange slices.." I hear him mumble. Another guy came back and went towards Wanda, "The hell are you doing?!" I ask and he ignores me, "Clint?" I hear Sam ask, "Yeah, it's Clint." I say as Wanda whimpers. I look over and see the guy holding a black cylinder to her arm, "What did you do?!" I yell and the guy removes the cylinder and leaves, "Hey, hey, Wanda? Can you hear me?" I ask and Sam looks at her, "I think they drugged her.." I look at him then at Wanda who was slumping over, "Sam help me lay her down." With some effort, since we both had cuffs on, we got her laying down, "I can't believe this... all this over a accident." Sam mutters. I sigh and nod, "How old is she..?" Scott asks, "I don't know.. Clint do you know?" Sam asks. I nod, after Sokovia, Wanda came and stayed with me and Laura at the Farm. There we learned she was 14.. that was a year before, and now she was 15, "She's 15." Scott looks like he had a brain malfunction and Sam puts his head in his cuffed hands.
A few hours later
Wanda starts regaining consciousness, "Hey.." I say and Wanda tries sitting up, "Don't over exert yourself." Sam says and Wanda nods, "Where are they taking us..?" Wanda mumbles, "I don't know, kid." I answer. A guard starts shouting orders, "We're landing at your new place of residence! You resist, the witch gets hurt." I refrain from making a remark and Sam looks mad. The doors of the chopper are forced open and we are roughly taken out of the chopper, "Get moving!" Wanda is stumbling and is trying to keep up with the guards, "Welcome to the Raft." We're shoved into a doorway and Wanda is separated from us, "Where are you taking her?" Sam asks but gets hit with a baton in response. We get into a room where blue prison uniforms are given to us, "Change." We all change and then get escorted to a circular room with 4 cells, 1 being fortified. We are put in the ones without lasers and Wanda is escorted in a straight jacket, "SHES 15!" I yell. They shove her into the fortified cell and another guard walks in with some sort of collar, "I'll lay the rules down, you talk, move, or do something we don't like." The guard pulls out a remote of some kind and then pushes a button and we can clearly hear the electricity that runs through the collar, "YOUR PUTTING A GOD DAMN SHOCK COLLAR ON HER!!" I yell. They put the collar on her and turn it on, and turn to the rest of us, "You do something we don't like, and she suffers." With that they leave. I turn to Wanda who is sitting on the floor her back against the wall, "We're gonna get through this." I say to Wanda trying to reassure her, but she doesn't react at all. Then Ross walks in, "Barton, Wilson, and Lang. I'm sure you all know why your here." I death glare him and he gives me a fake frown, "What's got your feather's ruffled." I ignore him, "Agitating him isn't going to get the information you want." Sam says. Ross walks over to him, "We want to know where Rogers and Barnes went." I scoff. Ross looks over at me, "You know something Barton?" I look at him, "We don't know where the hell Steve went. It's not like he texted us saying where he's going." I state. Ross goes back over to Sam then goes Scott, "I will get his location." I roll my eyes, "And mistreat minors." Ross scoffs, "It's an adult." I stand up, "If you bothered to research you'd know she's 15." Ross rolls his eyes, "It's a weapon of mass destruction." I slam my hands on the bars, as Ross smugly walks out not without turning on the collar for a brief second, leaving Wanda on the floor in agony.
Wanda's POV:
It feels like it's been years since we arrived. I guess I deserve being here... I killed those kids in the hospital. Charlie Spencer wouldn't be dead if I never gave Tony that vision, "We're gonna get out of here lil' red." Sam reassures. I've been shocked, drugged, beaten, and countless other things, "The futurist is here!" Clint starts and I look up. That causes the collar to trigger, and I fall onto the floor since they turned the voltage up, "Wanda?!?" I hear Sam say but I stay silent and just stare at the feet of Tony Stark as he stands in front of Clint's cell. Guards enter my cell and inject me with yet another drug, "She doesn't need to be drugged!!" Scott yells. Things start sounding distant and I watch as Tony walks to my cell, "I'm going to get you out of here.." I here him say as my eyes slide shut.
Tony's POV:
I watch as Wanda loses consciousness and I walk back to Sam's cell, "I don't even care if we have to stay in here. You better get her out." I hear Clint threaten and I nod. I leave and head to Siberia.
After Zemo shows footage and Tony attacks Steve and Bucky
T'challa's POV:
I am helping Rogers and Barnes rescue his team with the help of Romanoff. According to Stark, Maximoff is not in good condition. We arrive and take out the guards, "According to the plans, they're being held this way." Romanoff states. We enter the room and Barton stands up, "Took y'all long enough." Romanoff, Barnes, and I open Lang, Barton, and Wilson's cells. Barton immediately runs over to the 4th cell and curses under his breath, "They drugged her again.." I look in the cell and widen my eyes. Maximoff was unconscious with a straight jacket and collar on, "What the hell did they do to you?" Romanoff mumbles. I cut some wires deactivating the lasers and Barnes rips the bars off; he then goes and moves her on her back, "WAIT!" Barton yells. We all hear the collar beep and the distinct sound of electricity and Maximoff starts seizing. Barnes backs away startled, "Did it just SHOCK her?!" Rogers asks angrily, "Yeah, anytime she moved, talked, or did something they didn't like.." Scott says sadly. I bend down and use one of the claws in my gloves to cut through the metal and carefully remove the collar. With the collar gone we could see the burns left on her neck from the collar, "I'm going to kill them.." Barnes mumbled. I gently roll her on her side and unbuckle the straps; I then take the jacket off showing her swollen wrists, blue tinged fingers, and bruised arms. Rogers comes and picks her up bridal style, "I can't believe they did this to a child." Barnes said. We head to the ship and I alert Okoye to have medical assistance waiting for us when we land. Maximoff is laid on one of our benches when she began to stir, so Barton came over and kneels beside her, "Hey Wanda.." Maximoff opens her eyes to look at him and is confused once she realizes they aren't in cells. Maximoff then moves her hands but winces in pain, "We're going to Wakanda.. they're gonna treat your injuries and we're going to lay low for a bit ok?" Clint explains and goes to put his hand on her arm. Maximoff closes her eyes like she was about to be hit, "Hey, I'm not going to hit you.." Clint says and brings his hand back to his side. Maximoff opens her eyes again and has tears in them; I walk to the cockpit and sit down in the passenger seat and sigh, "Something wrong, my king?" Okoye asks. I sigh, "She's so frightened of everything.." I say and can't help but feel responsible, "You are not responsible for her suffering, she also killed Wakandan chil-" I cut her off, "By accident Okoye. Maximoff was trying to dispose of a bomb... there was no way she could have known there were children in that hospital. She is a child herself." Okoye looks regretful. I stand up, "I'm going to check on our passengers." I go back to where the rest of them were, and see Maximoff curled up against Barton with Barnes' jacket on her while he was rubbing her arm. I go to the rest of the group, "I'd like to get the raft destroyed and Ross in jail." I state and they all nod, "The treatment towards us wasn't great. We got beatings if we didn't answer a question or if we said/ did something they didn't like. They fed us once a day" Sam explained, "And Maximoff?" I hesitantly ask, "They'd.. um.. beat her for no reason or to punish us. Shock her for fun, drug her if she made too much movement, if she talked they'd shock her. They'd feed her like an animal, shoving food in her mouth and not giving her time to swallow. They would all call her derogatory names and overall treat her like crap." Sam explains, "How old is she..?" Barnes asks, "Clint says she's 15." I look over at Maximoff who is asleep while Clint is mentally examining her arms and neck. We land in Wakanda.

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