Three (Apologies for Shorter Chapter)

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"We're home!~" Mk grinned, opening the door. "I have a spare room too, so don't worry!" Red Son looked around, a smile creeping up to his face as he realized he'd be sleeping on a bed tonight in a warm house. Mk dragged Red Son to his new room, giggling. "Here's your room!" He boasted, stimming out of excitement. "Do you like it? I always make sure it's all clean and neat just in case someone needs to crash here!" Red Son nodded, grinning to himself. "It's.. nice, I suppose" He mumbled quietly. Honestly, he'd expect Mk's whole apartment to be one big mess with clothes everywhere and items out of place; it was a nice surprise to see everything clean and spotless.

"Ooh ooh! Do you wanna see my room now?" Mk asked. "Yea, sure, why not." Red Son shrugged, following Mk into a different room. His room had posters all over the walls, a laptop decorated with stickers crammed onto a messy desk, fairy lights and other pretty items. Wow; he was impressed. It was.. Pretty..? He didn't realize his mouth was agape when Mk laughed. "You like my room that much? I mean, you could sleep in here with me if you want!" He exclaimed. Red Son's ears turned red as he coughed out of embarrassment. "Nah." He muttered. "I'm fine with the guest room. I'm just.. Impressed, i guess. I wouldn't expect someone like you to have such a nice room" he trailed off. "I'm glad you like my room that much! I work hard to keep it this clean!" He boasted, strolling over to his bed and sitting down. Red Son took another glance at his desk and looked at the various items scattered around. There was a notebook with sticky notes sticking out of it, different coloured pens, figurines from what he assumed were shows, and- huh?? He saw a small red minifigure on the desk. It was the same kind of figure that he left behind at the park that day 13 years ago.

He was very startled at first and his heart even skipped a beat, but he regained himself and asked, "Hey, what's this? You like that ninja show too?" Mk gasped excitedly when Red Son mentioned that, shouting all bubbly, "Yea! I love that show!! It's my all-time favorite show, in fact! The red ninja's my favorite!" Red Son couldn't help but to laugh at how adorable Mk was acting. "That's a really old figure too; where did you even get it?" Red Son asked curiously, carefully picking the minifigure up to examine.

"Oh, when I was younger, I had this friend who left his red ninja behind at the playground. I kept it with me, hoping I'd see him again to give it back, but I never did. Sometimes I actually still think about him, even if we only ever saw each other once. I really do miss him.."

No way.

"I-" Red Son breathed out, his heart stopping. "What was his name.." he ushered lowly, holding his breath.

Mk smiled sadly. "His name was Arlo. I could never forget it, even if it's been so many years,,"

"N..No way," Red Son gasped, his ears perking up at hearing his real name. Mk.. Mk was his old friend? That was him?! Fuck, he felt the tears start to form again; he really was a shell of the man he once was. Mk looked a bit confused and concerned at first as Red Son suddenly hugged him, which was very out of character for him. "Woah- are you,, crying, Red Son??" Mk asked with worry laced in his voice. Red Son started sobbing onto Mk's shoulder, and Mk gasped with shock, rubbing his back gently. He shushed him, telling him that it's okay; that everything is okay. Red Son's sobbing didn't quiet down at all.

But eventually he did, and it was just soft whines and occasional hiccups now. Mk grabbed Red Son by his shoulders and gazed dead into his eyes after being released from the hug. "Did I say something wrong? Tell me,, what's wrong, Red Son??" He asked sadly. Mk was very concerned for the redhead, as his voice displayed.

Red son could barely muster up a word, but he tried calming down and keeping himself together by taking deep breaths. He then placed his hands on Mk's arms, which Mk was surprised at, and he could swear that there was a twinkle in those orange eyes of his. Red son fought back the urge to vomit, and with a final deep breath, he finally said it.

"Mk... I.."

"..I am Arlo. I was the boy who lost his red ninja. T..that was me."

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