Chapter 9

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Hey people! It's actually really surprising how much I am enjoying this whole Wattpad thing (even if my laptop does shut down a million times every night when I upload!) You guys really help. If you could carry on with your comments, votes etc. and maybe even fan (if you're feeling generous) then it would mean a lot. Hope this chapter is OK. <3 L xx



It had not been an amusing couple of days.

At all.

‘If I have to watch you play one more level of this awful game, Shaun, I think I might shoot myself.’ I groaned, not for the first time.

Alright, so I was being overdramatic. That’s what came of being stuck inside a house, watching Shaun play his Xbox constantly for four whole days as the frost and snow melted away outside, screaming for renewal. A lot of other seventeen year old boys would have been perfectly content to sit in front of the TV or Xbox for all that time, but I was becoming agitated and increasingly claustrophobic.

‘Shut up, Jack! I’m trying to concentrate. I’m almost done.’ Shaun assured me, looking like a captivated little kid again.

‘That’s what you said two hours ago.’ I reminded him, sighing. He ignored me, keeping his eyes on the screen as his tiny character continued to stab relentlessly at some heavily armed guy who had been trying to catch it. Blood spurted over the ground and I flashed back to the fight by the forest for about the millionth time that morning.

I couldn’t take much more of this. My power burned cold inside of me, needing to be used, tired of being kept prisoner. I allowed a tiny part of it to burst free, fogging up the television screen with heavy condensation and tendrils of ice.

The game made a noise that I assumed was meant to be a dying groan. Shaun, realising he had lost the level, turned and threw the controller at my head with full force. I dodged it, allowing it to slam into the wall with a resounding crash.

‘What the hell are you two doing in there?’ Shaun went bright red and his eyes narrowed at me as Kyle yelled at us from the study. He had been in there almost non-stop since I arrived; he was probably looking for the latest updates on the Mask. I kept asking what he found, but every time he would answer that there was nothing new.

Well if there was nothing new, then why was I being held prisoner here?

I didn’t have much time to debate it because in a split second Shaun had launched himself over the back of the sofa and collided with me, sending us both down to the floor with a sickening crunch. He pinned me down once more, the better physical fighter of the two of us by far, and laughed as I struggled to gain composure. He didn’t know the sheer amount of effort I had to put into containing my power to stop myself from hurting him.

‘Why. Did. You. Do. That?’ He demanded, sending punches into my chest, not hard enough to really hurt, but hard enough to severely piss me off. This kid was thirteen and yet he had strength to match that of a full grown man, no exaggeration.

When he showed no signs of letting me free, I concentrated on the places where his hands held my arms. I felt the drop in temperature in the air around us long before Shaun let out a squeal. When he pulled away, he rubbed his hands together furiously as I sniggered. I had decided since I arrived that the only attack I would use on Shaun would be cold-burn. Otherwise things might get messy, and I really did care about that little guy.

Still, Shaun could take care of himself. If it weren’t for my powers, he would beat me in a fight any day. Since I was the one who taught him to fight in the first place, I was a little jealous of his ability, but I could do nothing. My area of expertise was usually defense anyway.

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