uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh hey?-

2 0 0

I legit forgot men had nipples-

Random ik but like- I fr forgot-
Also, Abigail if your reading this, 1 fuck you. 2, I saw Breanna and girl she stank like fr ugly ass mf. 3. I'm in NC now so you can't say shit to me. That and I deleted skype so fuck you, fuck off, and go fuck Yourself. I swear you barley even spend time with that annoying ass crusty musty dusty furred dog. I regret being your friend and dating you. Anyways, hope you have fun with that musty dusty crusty fake depressed whore Jaina.

Luv you not hoe.

Anyways, if your not the Abigail I'm talking to I'm so sorry for what you just read.♡

my public diary cause I dont like therapist and need to talk out my problems :)Where stories live. Discover now