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I locked the bathroom as i limped towards the shower.

" ass...why is he always so wild"

Stepping in the shower
my memories ran back..

It was here when tae proposed me while having sex. i still remember how my heart pounded that day that was a great feeling...

i wish he was the guy whom i love...but naah..guess life has other plans.

I sighed as i turn off the shower wrapping towel around my waist and getting out of the bathroom.

I saw tae sleeping. He is always like this. I covered him with a blanket...and continued pampering myself to get ready.

I don't want to be late today even if it's not date i want to enjoy my time with the person i love.

After dressing up and leaving the house i went straight to bus stop. This is the place where we decided to meet today.

I waited for 10 minutes.... until i saw a familiar muscular boy who made me smile. I am excited..



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