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(Disclaimer: I don't own Left 4 Dead. Valve made it. I don't own anything really. I guess I own the plot of the story? Idk, Just, I don't own anything)

Another day, another busy work at the workshop for you. You got up after you slammed you alarm clock at the nearest wall. You adjusted your eyes on the light seeping through your window. After yawning, you got out of bed and made a full stretch. Hearing your bones make a satisfying pop, you shook your head to get off the remaining sleep in your eyes and walked towards the alarm clock you just threw, checking for any damage. When it wasn't damaged enough for it to break and in need of fixing..... again, you placed it back on the nightstand near your bed for another round of throwing it to the wall when it woke you up for tomorrow.

You went downstairs to make yourself some breakfast. Being lazy this particular morning, you just grabbed a box of cereal from a cabinet and fetched the milk from the fridge. You placed the two down on the counter and went to grab yourself a bowl. When you managed to find a big enough bowl, you placed it near the cereal box and milk and prepared your breakfast. After doing so, you returned the milk back in the fridge and the cereal box back in the cabinet, just where they belong. You carried your bowl to the dining table, grabbing yourself a spoon as you went.

You then turned on the TV in the living room to listen to early news. You went back to the dining room to eat, while listening to the news. You hummed, hearing the usual going on in the country until a news about a spreading disease caught your attention. They say it was fastly spreading throughout Pennsylvania and that has made your worry rise. That's the place where your fiance was currently at for shooting. You see, your lover was a teucer (A term for parkourer? or a man doing parkour.) and he was hired to do stunts for a movie.

You continued on listening, taking in as much information as possible. The news anchor said that it was just a flu and not very fatal. That everything was under control. But you knew better. You know this is just one of the government's schemes to not induce panic to everyone. You finished your breakfast quickly while looking over your contacts to call for him. You found his number and dialed, hoping that he would answer. You released a sigh of relief when he answered, but his tone gave back the worry.

"Hello love?" He asked, as if scared.

"H-hello? Is everything alright there?" You asked, worry sparing your voice

"N-no, its not. Everyone's dying around me. I can't do much. I'm currently trying to survive them. Please, come help me" He whimpered. You noted that he's whispering. That means that he's trying to stay quiet as possible. What could he be hiding from?

"Ok, I'll come there as soon as I can." You said, about to hang up until you heard him whisper loudly a 'wait' in the phone, loud enough for you to catch. You brought back the phone near your ear, wanting to know what he's gonna add.

"Bring a weapon with you and buy as much ammo as you can. As well as food, water and medical kits. Make sure the food can last long." He said. You don't know what's going on but by the tone of his voice, you agreed and hung up after reassuring him. Your trust your lover heavily and  made a list of things to be bought.

After storing gallons of water in your car, you got ready to go buy groceries. You carried your wallet filled with money and went out, buying as much as you can like canned goods and chips. Though you did had some hassle since some hoarders had the same idea as you except they were hoarding up toilet papers and rubbing alcohol. Luckily, you managed to get some alcohol yourself since you remembered that alcohol is somewhat a part of a medical kit.

After waiting in line for about an hour or so, you finally managed to free yourself from the grocery store. Storing the canned goods in the back of your car, next to the gallons of drinkable water you pilled in it. You smiled, proud that your car can handle such a weight. You knew this car would serve you good. Your next stop was at a pharmacy. You took some alcohol with you, gauze, band-aid, bandages, and the typical stuff you find in a first aid kit. You didn't know how much to buy so you just bough a ton of them each. At least, more is better than less. You even bought 6 bottles of pain pills only because his gut tells you to buy them.

When you were done, your money was almost exhausted, but you're were glad that you have enough to buy bullets for your hunting rifle that sat in your home. When you got what you needed, you drove back home, checking your list to see if you need to make a quick turn for purchase. When you missed none, you smiled and drove back home while keeping updated with the news through the radio.

When you got home, you packed yourself some stuff like clothes, and such. You even packed some of your lover's clothes, specially the hoodies. Those are you favorite to steal from him. After wearing one of the stolen hoodies with a zipper, you rolled the sleeves up to your elbows since its a tad bit too long and it was hot and left the zipper open.

You grabbed the hunting rifle you occasionally use when the two of you go camping. You hold the gun in your left hand and the bag you just filled up with clothes in the right. You went downstairs, tucking the two in the backseat and returned back inside the house to see if you could find anymore you deemed important to take with you to this possibly dangerous trip you're about to make.

You checked the mini workshop you've set up in your garage, landing your eyes on a tool box with an obvious theme going on with its color and design. You chuckled at the memory. You having to cosplay as the Engineer from Team Fortress 2 since your friends and your now fiance has convinced you to participate in a Comic Con. You remembered being invested into making the toolbox. Heck you even made an actual wrench out of metal and decide to keep it within the toolbox. You grabbed the toolbox and inspected it. You deemed it good enough for the first aid kit supplies to be stored in. Specially with the compartments you've made can easily store them for easy access. You decided to keep the wrench in the toolbox. Maybe you might need it.

When you've set up everything, you stored the tool-box-turned-firs-aid-kit under the back seat. You now sat on the driver seat and started the car. Giving one last glance at your home, you drove away, driving as fast as you can to Pennsylvania to rescue a certain someone.

L4D male reader x hunterWhere stories live. Discover now