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After 3 days of driving, you finally reached Pennsylvania. When you finally reached Pittsburg where the shooting was supposed to be, you were greeted with a deathly atmosphere. Everything is not as lively as you remembered this place was. You looked around in your car and you noticed people running at you. You were confused until you noticed something different. These people have blood decorating their shirt. Their skins are pale and their eyes are weird shade of yellow. Your eyes widened at the the state of these people. You tried to shout at them but they only responded with a growl and started attacking your car. You didn't know what to do but you know you can't let them destroy your car so you drove over people who were running to you through the front. The windshield was now successfully covered in blood. You turned on the wiper, smearing blood all over the windshield but at least it gave you a bit of sight of what was in the front.

You drove away from the 'things'. You didn't know what to call them. They weren't people anymore that's for sure. You finally managed to find a safe spot to park and turned off the gas. You dialed your lover, but all that resulted to was a flat line. You tried again, but you really can't contact him. You leaned on the steering wheel, careful not to press the horn. Stress, worry and confusion littered your mind.

Questions questions questions. Was this the infection the government was trying to hide? Were those people you ran over can even be called people anymore? If this was the infection the government was trying to hide, how is this transmitted? Are you infected now? Is your lover ok? Is he even alive? Is he infected?

So many questions, but no answer. You tried to calm yourself but the questions keeps on popping themselves up inside your head. Worry has started to spill over you and you have the sudden urge to cry. You stopped yourself, trying to keep yourself quiet. If you remembered, when you last talked to your fiance, he was trying to be quiet. If these were the things he was hiding from then you should stay silent as possible.

You went to the backseat to grab your gun and the prop you made years ago. You though that the prop wrench would be useful as a joke but you weren't expecting it to be true considering your circumstance right now. You rested the gun and the prop on the seat and reached back again to grab your extra bag that you decided to bring because of your paranoia. You were glad you actually brought it, stuffing in bullets in there if ever your gun runs out of bullets. IF ever you're going to use it anyway. When you were done, you rested the bag next to the gun and wrench then quietly opened the car door for you to slip outside. You stretched your body, having to sit in a long time within the car has given you discomfort. You sling your bag and gun on your back, while holding the wrench as your melee. You looked around, noting that every store you see was raided or broken into. That's when the effect of this infection dawned on you. That's when you finally noticed the silence around you. That's when you realized that the infection is more than a flu.

You snapped out of you trance, continuing on, looking for any signs of life or at least someone normal looking. You went to a store, looking for anything useful you could salvage. You luckily found some canned goods and stuffed some into your bag. You know you might need these, even though you still have some food in your car. You also grabbed some water bottles just in case. You then heard moaning and a screech. You turn your head and saw those things again, but this one's alone and wandering. You saw it run towards you. You readied your wrench and smacked its head in panic. When it fell down the ground dead, your hand clenched on the prop, your hands turned white as you watched the blood from the thing pool around its body. You slowly relaxed, sitting on the floor, mentally drained. You just sat there, contemplating about everything. You didn't know what to do, until your head drifted back to your fiance. You cleared your head, finally having your objective back at the top. You spared another glance at the dead human. Can you even call it a human? You shook your head.

'I could start calling them zombies but, since I'm not sure what this infection does I guess I'll just call them infected for now'

You though as you left the store. You set off, with your objective as clear as before, you went to look for your lover in distress.

A man around his late 20s has locked himself in a room while nursing a bite he suffered from one of those infected. His body burned with fever and he panted to regulate his temperature. The hoodie he was wearing right now didn't help. He could take it off but the duck tape he taped around his arms to keep the hoodie from moving too much around his body prevented his attempt. Yeah he could just remove the duct tape but he's too weak for that. He decided to sleep, hoping that when he wakes up, he's still the same as before.

When he did woke up, he was still the same, aside from the high fever he still suffer. He groaned as he sat up, rubbing his head when he felt something unfamiliar with his hand. When he looked down, he saw his fingers, and noticed how his nails are starting to sharpen and has started to grow. He was confused, but he knows now that he's infected. His mind panicked, then he thought about you.

He cried. He wanted to stay strong until you found each other but it seems like fate has a different plan. He thought he could survive long enough until he finally sees your face. But here he is now, changing into one of those infected. He could only hope that he will never forget you like how the rest forgot about their humanity when he completely turns.

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