40 days in the desert. Paragraph 3 

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Junkie jenna jumped on the number 8 bus to see her pal trampy tam. Her and trampy tam have been pals for years she used to buy her cocaine of him but then he went up in price so she found someone cheaper. When she saw trampy tam they went up to his house to have some Asda lemonade. She was at his house for about 2hrs and left to go to the Sahara Desert she went on the number 8 and then went on the 19A and finally arrived at the desert. When she arrived she had to have a wee rest because her legs were killing her. She was sweating so she took of all her clothes and went to sleep a few hours went past and she felt something licking her Coochie meow meow. It was a camel she Jumped up and shouted get to fuck ya  fucking creep. The camel ran a way heavy fast saying am sorry am sorry , she got dressed and she was starving and and looked for a chippy but then she remembered she was in the desert. She was ragin but she said to her self  "if Jesus can do it, so can I".  She ran down this mad hill and saw the camel that was licking her coochie meow meow. "Hello gorgeous" she said to it, "is it ok if I can go on your back ma legs are still heavy sore" the camel stared it her and said "aye of course pal anything for you they started going waking through this mad cave thing "this is we're I live" said the camel "you should stay with me for a couple of days" said  the camel......

What will junkie Jenna do will she stay with him for a couple of days or will she stay with him forever? ......

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