wrong decisions.

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This story is almost 100 reads! Thank you everyone! I made a new cover for this story as a celebration!**
I tried everything to try and get atleast an Idea of what's behind the doors. But it seemed to never work. I tried sticking my ears to the doors, no sound. Knocking on the door, no answer. Passing my hand all over the door, no label.

Maybe I should just open one of them and hope for the best..

I put my hand gently on the right door's handle and I opened slowly, hand shaking. I was terrified on what could be behind this door.

To my surprise, there was only darkness. I entered, looking for a light switch, I sense a lever. I tried flicking it but it didn't work. I tried twisting it, it moved slightly. I gathered my strength and used both my hands. Its turning but slowly, my palms were hurting so bad. Eventually it made a squeaky noise. The ground shaked.
"H-huh?? What's going on?"
I said, freaked out. I heard an alarm ring, and a red alert light flickered.

I was distressed, I didn't know what to do. I held on to the closest thing to me, a handrail that seemed cold. The ground kept shaking and I felt like we were falling slowly. Soon, I heard strings ripping. I observed around, it was dark, but when the red light flickers for a second I can see. I was in an elevator..

I heard a string stretching noise, it was the last string. Somehow, my instinct kicked it. I laid flat on the elevator floor.

As the elevator was falling i felt pressure against me, it was painful but i hoped for the best.

I woke up, hearing squeaking noises. I looked around only to see little hamesters, but they ran away when i woke up. They must be scared.my head was hurting. I was still in the rusty elevator. I found a pile of seeds next to me. The little hamesters must have been trying to feed me, but there's no time for food now.

I stood up, my whole body was damaged with little scars, my back felt arched.

I opened the elevator door, avoiding to step on the seeds. And I was amazed..

The roof was a very big dome with green vines growing into the center of it, hanging like birthday decorations. Birds were perching on them carrying around little gems and coins and they would drop them down, falling into the paws of little hamesters who carry them to a big funnel that makes vaccum cleaner noises. Sometimes the hamesters would fall in there and the funnel would launch them into the birds.

I walked, glancing around. Little birds carried baskets of fruits to me. I happily grabbed an apple and took a bite. The birds sang happily as they flew away to give fruits and seeds to others.

I saw some kind of blue area with machines, little cat like workers were wearing blue uniforms. I roamed around greeting them. All the eyes were on me. The machines had conveyor belts that would move around boxes full of parts and accessories. A little cat greeted me and gave me a little mouse "you look pretty like mama" the little cat expressed. I couldn't help it but giggle and give the little cat Pat's on the head.

I let the mouse free when I went down a bunch of stairs, thinking I am far away enough from the cats.

The stairs seemed to go forever. I spaced out, I thought about what's happening. I'm underground trying to save myself and my freind and run away.

In the last staircase I tripped and made a blaring sound as I fell into the ground, accidentally breaking the newel post.

There were many doors, 3 were big and I can fit through but the rest were mouse doors. I saw light turning on through some of the rooms.
"Uh oh, my noise woke them up" i whispered to myrself

I had only 3 options:
I either enter the door that its light isn't on, hoping there's no one there.
Try to run up the stairs, wuch may cause in them running after me.
Or I give up and let them get me, but I don't know the meaning of that word.

I decided to go with the first option, opening slowly the door with the letter "S" hoping it means "Snow".
I close the door behind me, I turn around only to find a dog like male. He had a ball in his hands with a star on it. He got surprised and failed shooting the ball at the basket.

"Who the hell are you?" He said, getting closer.
"I-I'm (Y/-" I said stuttering
"What are you doing here??" He yelled.
"P-please help me sir." I pleaded.
"Don't call me sir. Call me Spot. Who are you and who's your owner? You know what whatever I'll find out myself.
He grabbed my collar and read the tag on it. It had my name, my Id, my Pixer's name and my previous owner's name. His action chocked me a bit so I pushed him away.
He chuckled "nice name, Y/N. So your owner abandoned you huh? Well just know that they deleted their account. Pretty sad. What do you need help for?"
He said, picking up his orange ball and putting it in the dark wooden closet.

"Can you help me get put of here?" I responded.
"Well I can't help you with that but I can help you get out of this trouble." As soon as he said that, someone knocked on the door.
"Spot? Are you asleep? Someone broke the stair's newel post! I told you to use a bit of cement to fix it when it broke the first time!" A female's voice Complained.
My heart raced, I'm screwed..

1000 words.

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