Hyunchan - Hush

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Manifesting Hyunjin's comeback

TW/ mentions of su!cide

Man I really need to figure out a way to unfriend one of my closest friends. She's toxic, racist and low key homophobic. She's said the N word, laughed about it and then tried to justify it. She's actively been against aboriginals in our country, she believes there needs to be a white settlers week! She tried to defend Hitler, she's invalidated one of my friends feelings, she's a musty ass stuck up bitch who always needs things to go her way or else she'll have a tantrum!

She claims she's ally but has a homophobic boyfriend and doesn't bother educate him, she claims she isn't racist yet she is, she's blatantly offended my culture and our features, ofc it's a joke she says! Of course my suffering is a joke! When I told her su!cide was a sensitive topic of mine, she pretended to care but still mentions it in front of me! So many times despite the fact that I've cried multiple times because of it.

She has outed me to her mum, and god knows who else, and so now my severely homophobic parents who'll probably kick me out if they find out might find out about how I dated a girl when I was younger!

She's outed someone of their su!cide attempts, which made me cry, thank god I did, she might've told them more! They don't need to know, it's none of their business!

She doesn't care about anyone but herself! At least she isn't ableist though! But she's said racial slurs and homophobic slurs. But she also said ret@r D too! And says she's allowed to say it because her brother is disabled! I'm not sure if she really is, someone pls educate me on that.

She likes to make everything about her, I swear her favourite thing to do is lie, that's all she does. She was someone I could trust, someone I looked up to, and that all went downhill last year.

We started to get into more and more arguments. I know I'm going to snap soon and go off at her. I just know it. I'll update you guys.

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