Chapter 7

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(This chapter is Co-wrote by Error_Unwanted)

School soon opened and there was now two new students in the school their names were Kira Serine and Darby Hames.

~~~baldi pov~~~

I finished talking to prince about the new students and I learned they are in my class....what fun.
"I'm so fucking tired......" I said as I tried to get coffee in my new favourite cup, after I got what I needed I headed back to my class
"Only one more hour until the students get here," nervously I wrote the new math equations on the chalkboard
"LOOKS LIKE ITS SWEEPING TIME" the janitor yelled right behind me
"DO YOU HAVE TO DO THAT?!?" Looking at the shorter male I was actually scared
"I love scaring you"
"I hate you too, now get out of my classroom" I pointed to the door
"Fiiiinnnnnneeeeee" and with that he left with all his BS.

~time skip~

Kenneth walked into my classroom with a few books in his arms
"I thought you loved me more than rule books" I teased
"Oh you cheeky dick waffle, these are math books I got for my boyfriend" I almost cried but the students came ROLLING IN.

The first to sit down was one of the new students then the second one came soon after, I stood happily in front of the class and smiled
"Ok everyone we have a couple of new students joining us, Kira Serine and Darby Hames" Arts and Crafts looked at them and smiled so did playtime and player,
"Would you two come and introduce yourselves to the class?"
Darby and Kira slowly got up and headed to the front,
"I'm Kira Serine!" The happy black hair girl spoke with a slight sing song tone.
Darby on the other hand wasn't so enthusiastic when she introduced herself
"I'm Darby...Hames," She paused before saying her last name.

I was happy with them because they were actually brave enough to come up and introduced themselves.
"Ok everyone let's do some maths" I clapped happily so then we did stuffs.
A few hours passed and it was now lunch and I was  alone in the class but not for long
"How's my amazing boyfriend doing~" Ken was hiding something
"Other than forgetting my lunch and starving, I'm fine" I smiled.

~~~principal pov~~~

Baldimore always forgets his lunch so I decided to make it for him
"Here, I always make extra just in case you're forgetful" baldimore blushed
"So....can I ummm steal a kiss?" I nodded and we had a sexy make out session but a student walked in
"k-Kira you're b-back early from l-lunch...." baldimore stuttered
Kira stopped in her tracks before holding her phone up and pointing to the screen
"I...I uh. I need to take a call but the cafeteria is too loud, I was wondering if I could use your room but it looks like your busy."
Kira went to turn but she smirked and took a quick photo.
"Ha bye guys!" She then disappeared out of sight and took off
And with that baldimore was gone
"Well that was fun...." I sighed.

~the next day~

~~~baldi pov~~~

I was teaching as usual but as soon as me and Kira were alone I let my dark side show
"So, do you think you can get away with anything" I used my dark voice
Kira raised a brow not scared, she let a huff out.
"You don't scare me. Nothing scares me"
She stretched a bit as she looked at her teacher
"I've looked giant beings in the face and nearly was eaten..a teacher like you isn't scary to me."
Kira crossed her arms over her chest clearly not impressed by his 'dark' persona he put on.

I was so pissed I actually broke a desk just my slamming my ruler on it and I guess my anger shown so much Kenneth came in
"Baldi don't you dare hurt another child" he took the ruler put it on my desk
"YOU KNOW HOW I FEEL ABOUT SASSY OR OVER ALL CHILDREN IN GENERAL" I yelled at my lover but soon realized and calmed down
"Fuck it" I went to the chalkboard and did math to calm down more.
"I was just saying that I ain't scared of him."
Kira shrugged and turned to leave the class
"If you think I'm bad then you haven't met Darby yet."
She spoke before leaving the class.

"Now that, that's over wanna go on a date?" I instantly turned into a tomato
"Oh ummmmm s-sure"

~time skip~

I was in my room just being a little,
"I wish I had a daddy...." someone knock on the door and I jumped a little
"Baldi I'm here for the date"
"Oh sheet....." I ran into my closet and threw my adult clothes on and ran into my lover
"K-ken I ummmm" he looked down a bit
"Is that....a pacifier?" He gently grabbed it and I blushed
"Oh ummmmm I-I can explain" he put the pacifier in my mouth and kissed my cheek
"It's ok to be a little, it's actually really cute" he smiled and took me back to the room
"Forget about the date it's thanksgiving" we had a good night and I almost died from having so much food.

My little mistake baldi x principle Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon