Chapter 3-Meeting

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I  have decided that I'm going to do number 5 from my list first. Having a best friend, they can  help me with the rest of my tasks. But before that don't I need a school to go to? A loud ringing noise interrupted my thoughts. It took me a few seconds to work out what it was. Phone, that's it. It lay on the kitchen counter, moving around nearly falling on the floor. I rush over to it, pick it up and press answer not even looking at contact.
"Tanya, we need to organize your school" Came to familiar voice of Mr Quinn.
"Can you read my mind even when I'm not with you?"  There's no reply but I hear a little chuckle.
"I've been to a High School and they have agreed to take you on. But they wish to meet  me and you before you start, to fill paperwork in and learn more about you and other random things."
"Oh, alright, when do I start?"
" In one week. But the meeting is tomorrow and Miss Snow is coming tonight, I told the school I was unavailable  and that your mum would be coming instead."
"I'll talk to you later, good luck. Bye."
I was kinda glad Lilly was coming, I would have some company and I sure appreciate that. I think it's gonna get kinda lonely with nobody to live with. But lonely life  better than no life. Right?
Lilly arrived about 6pm and she greeted me with a friendly hug. Tears came to my eyes as I thought about my dad, it was if he was the one I was hugging. I missed him a lot. I wipe back  my tears, scared of looking like a baby. The rest of the night we go over details about me and then watched tv and laughed about stupid things. It really took my mind off the situation and I honestly felt happy.
I woke up to the sound of my alarm ringing. I let out a sigh and pulled myself out of bed. I got my clothes on and opened my bedroom door. Today was the day of the meeting. I can't say I was looking forward to it. I slid downstairs to see Lily eating breakfast. She looked up at me at smiled.
"Want some?"
"Nah, I'm not hungry."
"Great, more for me."
She giggled and stuck her tongue out at me. I laughed at her and sat down on a chair. 
"What time is the meeting?"
"About half nine, we better set off in a minute."
I went to put on my coat and  shoes, grabbed my brush and pulled it into a tight pony. I joined Lilly and we got into the car. It suddenly came to mind that I had never asked what school I was going to attend.
"Lilly, which school am I going to?"
"Lowton High."
"But I went there before."
"Mr Quinn wanted you to go."
"It's gonna be too hard."
"Sorry, it's not my choice you'll get through it, I know you will."
"I hope so."
I layed back in the car feeling a bit annoyed and suddenly dreading the meeting.  The car swung into the school gates and parked into a place straight outside the reception. I got out and walked towards the familiar doors.

"Welcome, Miss Ashton to our school, I'm sure you will you enjoy your time here."
Miss O'Brian sat opposite me with a fake smile plastered all over her face. I rolled my eyes and her smile slipped a little. She continued blabbering on.
"You'll have someone to help you with getting around the first week or two. I'll introduce you to a student today and she will show you around. Us that ok?"
We stood up and walked out of the door and Miss O'Brian hurried over to a girl who was sat hunched over.
"Aaah Christina, there you are, this is Tanya."
As soon as she mentioned the name Christina my head shot up like a rocket. I saw the familiar face of my best friend.
"Hi." I suddenly realised that she was talking to me. 
We walked down the corridor and she showed me the art rooms first. I loved art and I know she did too. She seemed happy to talk about it. We moved in and she started asking questions about me.
"So where do you come from?"
"I went there once, it's quite nice but it's a lot different here in Brighton."
"Yeah I guess but I like it here."
"That's good."
We continued talking about random stuff and she showed me everything in school. By the time we got back we were laughing our heads off.
"Aaah girls, I see you're getting along."
We both smiled. I met up with Lily and we walked towards the door.
"Bye Tanya."
"Bye Christina."




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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07, 2015 ⏰

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