Start to Destiny

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In the forest

"Why I can't free from my curse?" Dekker said as he was sitting on big stone thinking about this thing. His thoughts emerge about his last battle with red ranger (Jayden). He sparked that he got last splash by blue ranger (Kevin). He realizes that and said to himself, "I have battle with red ranger again for sake of this curse." He raised his Uramasa and barked "I have to win this battle." And he went from that place.

"Oh! Dekker' you really don't know what real curse it is. How can I tell you about that? You dint know how you came back you also don't know that I am here to? I have to...... I want to do something to know you that, it's my fault. I have to listen and accept pink rangers (mia) offer at that time." Dayu showed up herself to avoid Dekker's sight hiding by rock. At herself words she sparked. 'But now I'm really going to something like that.' She thought and disappears from that place.

Mia's house

Mia come to her house as she come near to the door, she found a note which is sticked to the door

Dear mia

Me and your dad is going to out for sometimes maybe we should come home late terry is went to some extra lectures he might come at 9. I always put extra housekeys into your purse. Check it and open, all errands supply Is available, you can cook yourself, sorry for being late. Love you.

Your mom.

Mia read the letter and checked her purse. Fondly smiled at herself as she found keys. She went into kitchen stars making coffee for herself. Remember to self-loving thoughts for herself. Sipping coffee of the day. She started to read book. Still her mind went back to that incident happened earlier. She saw Dayu. 'it can't be her, she was killed by xandread while sucking her humanity.' Then she recalls the memories from Dayu's dream, 'maybe there is more in her dream. It's something about the curse... it might be a reason she came back again. But how is this possible? It also referred to Dekker why I didn't saw him?' new questions stared to arise in her thoughts, this trance got interrupted by bell rang. Opening the door, she saw her lovely brother. "Hey terry, how was the day?" mia asked with small smile looking at his tiring face. Terry gives his tiring smile at her and said" it was nice, I'm just tired. I need___" "Coffee, right away" mia interrupt him as she heads way to kitchen. "You are the best sister" said terry went to bathroom. After taking coffee, they were talking about some topics, spending time waiting for parents' arrival. "Mia, I heard from classmates about a nighlock attack in near forest. He injured a man who was there." "What!" mia chocked "how is this possible? There is no way monster can arrive in this world. How did he look like?" mia asked. "Well, they told me that his appearance was in red and white as his face was red." terry explained. It clicked her 'it can't be him' "are you sure about this terry?" she asked in serious tone.

At Shiba house

Jayden open his eyes as he saw that he's in recovery room. He tries to wake up from bed. "Jayden don't" mentor said in his hurry tone. "Get lie on the bed, you shouldn't move." Jayden sighed and notices his left shoulder is bandaged. He recalls memories of encounter with Dekker. 'How did he come back from death?' his thoughts were interrupted by Ji asking "what happened Jayden? How did you get injured so badly?" handing him a cup of green tea. Jayden give a glance at his green tea and looked at ji. He stated to tell ji about the events after he was returning from market. "How is that even possible!" mentor ji said by giving a stern shock face. "Ji what do you think how did he come back?" Jayden asked "I don't have any idea about it, but I try to find out. Don't think too much." Ji assures him and added" now have some food and rest. If you need anything; just ask me." "Thanks Ji" he smiled to old man who taking care like his father. 'I have to find the way to figure out why Dekker is here. Is Dekker only come back or anyone else is here? if Dekker come back from death...then master Xandread? No! it can't be possible' Jay8den lost in trance. He finished his food. "Jayden I'm heading out for some medicines. I'll be back in half an hour." Ji sounded from downstairs. "Okay ji, be careful." He replied loud. Again, he gets in his trance, in his trance he let out a sigh.

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