Chapter 3: Blast From The Past

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Kitsune didn't understand what was going on. "So, you want me help protect Michiru and Nazuna from a human?" Kitsune asked. "Well, that's the idea." Rose said. "Well, this seems off why not put them under real protection?" Kitsune asked. "Because originally we tried to get Marie's brother, but he was busy, so you called you." Michiru told him.

"Well, hello again Kitsune." A male voice said. It's Alan Sylvasta and Boris Cliff. Boris looks at Nazuna. "Hello Déesse Louve." Boris said. Nazuna went to Kitsune. "Fuck it's Scales." Kitsune said. "Hello Nolan." Boris told Kitsune. "How have you been Déesse Louve?" Boris asked Nazuna. "My name is Nazuna, not Déesse Louve." Nazuna told Boris. Boris looked at Michiru. "The tanuki girl." Boris said. "Michiru and stay away from my friends." Michiru told Boris. Boris got ready to punch Michiru, but he saw the rage in Kitsune's eyes. "Don't make him angry Scales." Sylvasta told Boris. "Nazuna, Michiru I want the both of you behind me now." Kitsune said. They went behind him. "Well, Kitsune you want to help like the old days?" Sylvasta asked. "Get the fuck out of here." Kitsune told him. Sylvasta and Boris leave.

Kitsune looked at Rose. "Mayor Rose, I will do everything in my power to make sure that Nazuna and Michiru are safe, you have my word." Kitsune told Rose. "Thank you Kitsune." Rose replied. They leave.

"Okay, Nazuna will have to stay with us." Shirou told Nazuna and Michiru. "What about Kitsune?" Michiru asked. "I just have to keep you safe, so wherever you go I have to go, just to make sure your safe." Kitsure informed them. "So, you meet Sylvasta and Boris before?" Nazuna asked. "Kinda, I met Scales a while back, but I have never met Sylvasta." Kitsune said. He went to his car. "So where are we going?" Kitsune asked. "Beastmen Co-op." Shirou told him. "Okay, let's take my car." Kitsune said. They got in Kitsune's car. "Sorry it's a mess." Kitsune told them. "It's okay." Nazuna said.

They get to Beastmen Co-op. "So, this is where we are crashing, nice." Kitsune said. They went in. "So where does Kitsune plan on sleeping?" Michiru asked. "I don't, I'm gonna stand outside of your door and make sure your safe." Kitsune told her. "Well, my room is on the roof." Michiru said. Shirou and Kitsune look at each other and back to Michiru. "Kitsune will stay with you until this is over." Shirou told her. Michiru nodded her head yes.

They went to the room top, Nazuna and Michiru get in the bed, while Kitsune has the blanket and pillow from his car. "Are you sure you don't want a mattress, we can get one if you like." Nazuna told him. He looks at her and spoke. "No, I'm fine, I can sleep on the floor." They got ready to sleep. "Good night y'all." Kitsune told them. "Night." Both Nazuna and Michiru said. And they went to sleep.

Author's Note: Again this is a big change from the original and like I said it does make it more better, so instead of his getting his memory back he is doing this because he wants to help and that's what was planned originally, you see, Kitsune was originally gonna met Michiru and Nazuna at a cafe and they would have been attacked by a follower of the Sliver Wolf Cult that pissed off with Nazuna because he believed she was the reason he attacked so he blamed Michiru and Nazuna, Kitsune who was under the working name of Dino-Cliff at the time (I'll explain why I changed his name to Kitsune later) was a kind person, he was the only human in Anima City and doesn't care if you are a beastman or not, he sees you as a person, now his origin was a mystery so in order to do that I had it set he lost his memory and believes that helping them is what his old self would do.  Now I should explain his nickname Kistune, like I said before his original working name was Dino-Cliff, fun fact that was the original title of the second chapter of BNA: Hunted, and well, you see, on Reddit I had chapter one is called.  "The Hunt Begins."  And chapter two is called.  "Dino-Cliff."  I switched it on Wattpad because the hunt truly begins in the second chapter, but back to Dino-Cliff, I'm sure you are wondering where that name comes from and in the story it's a legend that Nolan's dead girlfriend named Mango (I like the fruit) told him, while the real world reason goes like this, after hearing of a Transformers Studio Series Cliffjumper I was wondering about Dino or Mirage and they finally made a figure of him, and I know what does this have to do with Nolan McCarthy, well Mirage (Dino) looks like what I think Cliffjumper could have looked like if he was in the movies, so that's where Dino-Cliff comes from.  Now Kitsune is a bit tricky, I wanted another name for him, like how Wolverine has not only James as another name he also has Logan, I want Nolan to have this and while at first I didn't have a name for Kitsune until after chapter one, I want him to have a different name so after some thinking I thought of this.  "A nickname like 'Fox' would be cool but what if it was in Japanese."  So after learning that Fox in Japanese is Kitsune I immediately started writing and the rest is history. Oh and his name Nolan McCarthy comes from two people Nolan North the voice actor of Cliffjumper in Fall of Cybertron my favorite voice actor for Cliffjumper and Shane McCarthy the writer of the Transformers Spotlight: Cliffjumper comic.

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