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I was always told death was an honor. As kids we were taught to accept it. To not let it frighten us. To not fear it. But when it came for me, I couldn't help but want to fight it. To deny it just this once. Because I couldn't die, I just couldn't, not when I still had something to fight for. When it took me, I couldn't help but be afraid. The commanders before me always reassured me that it was quick. Easy. Painful but painless at the same time. From a young age, me and the other chosen, we were taught that being what we are was already a death sentence. It's been knocking on my door for as long as I can remember. So when I finally accepted it was the end for me, I learned that I couldn't be more wrong.


Leksa Kom Trikru // Lexa Woods

Leksa Kom Trikru // Lexa Woods

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