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Alina was supposed to meet Baghra, but she had the servants draw her a bath. She wiped the grime of the journey and her father's death off of her. She was in a golden bathtub, naked and covered only by bubbles, when the door to the bathroom burst open revealing the General. "General!" she screeched, letting herself sink under the water enough that he could only see her head.

"Alina," he said, "we've a problem. I must speak with you urgently."

"Um," she said.

He coughed then, as if just noticing that she was in the bath. That she was naked. Covered by water and bubbles, but still naked.

"I do beg your pardon," he said, "um.... if you could make yourself presentable and meet me in my chambers, I have an issue that I should like to discuss with you."

Alina took a breath. "What's happened?"

"I shall wait until you are dressed and ready," he said, "I am um....sorry for the intrusion."

She blushed. "It's quite alright. You were clearly worried about something. I will dress and meet you in your room."

"Thank you," he said, bowing politely before exiting the room.

When he was done, Alina got out of the bath and the servants helped to dry and dress her. She wore a blue dress, and her hair was done in a simple braid with a golden ribbon. She slipped on a pair of black flats, and then she made her way to the Generals room.

Kirigan stood by the window looking out onto the palace gardens. His head was buried in his hands. He looked up when she entered.

"Alina," he said, "I have made a grave mistake...."

Alina's heart fell. This was the part where he told her about another woman. Where she learned what court life was really like. Where it became clear that her fiancé, her future husband, did not love her. It was impossible that they would be in love right away, but she had hoped eventually they could find a way there....

"What is it?" she asked.

He reached out and took her hand. "There is a young grisha, your age, that is a tailor. I gave her as a gift to the Queen to pacify her because...."

"Because of what?"

"Because the Queen kept on looking to me to...make her feel young," he said, "she used me in ways I did not want to be used by her. Bid me come to her chamber when I was repulsed by her very existence but I had no choice. I had to do what was necessary to keep my people alive. So, when Genya came along, skilled at making people beautiful, I gave her to the Queen and she left me alone. But when Genya became a teenager the King...."

Alina's heart clenched. "He raped her?"

He nodded. "He made her his lover against her will. Genya keeps the King pacified, and she works as my spy. But she has fallen in love with someone, and is pregnant with his child. If the King finds out...."

"He'll kill them all," Alina finished.

"Yes," he said.

"What do you need of me?" she asked.

"I need us to marry, quickly," he said, "we'll send Genya off somewhere. Say that she has a sickness. She can have the baby in secret, and we will adopt the child."

"But," said Alina, "if the child doesn't look like us people will talk...."

"It's life or death, Alina," said Kirigan, "I failed this young woman once. I cannot fail her again."

Alina took a breath. "Genya Safin, the Queens tailor?"

He nodded.

"I've seen Genya the few times I've visited the palace. She's nice. But I know the Kings attentions make her miserable...."

"She has never asked for them, but the King is not the kind that takes that into consideration," said Kirigan, "if you are a member of court, the royals think you belong to them."

His gaze darkened. Alina wondered what other atrocities he'd endured. She reached out and squeezed his shoulder.

"If we do this....we will not be able to be with each other for nine months," she said, "can you really wait that long? And what if someone discovers the truth, that the child is not ours? The King is expecting a sun summoner or a shadow summoner."

"I can figure out an excuse for that," said Kirigan, "but I cannot let Genya and her family die at the hands of this man. If I do, I am no better than him, and he has already made me into a monster fit for the fire."

"They'll kill us for treason," she said, "but you're right....I...I won't let her suffer. We'll lie."

He pressed his forehead against hers, and then kissed her. "You won't get your year of mourning."

She heaved a sigh. "I know I won't. But simply because I am not wearing black, doesn't mean I won't be mourning."

"I'm sorry," he apologized, "I am so, so, sorry...."

Alina reached out and brushed his cheek with her thumb. "This place makes us all do things we don't want to. What matters is if we rise above those things, and seek to become better than who we were. We'll make this right, Aleksander."

He smiled at her. "Together?"

She nodded. "Together. But there must still be time to bury my father."

"But of course my love," he said, "but of course."

"Have you told Genya about the plan?" she asked.

"I wanted to discuss it with you first," he said.

She smiled at him. "Go and talk with her. Make sure she agrees to the plan too. Don't order her, Aleks."

"Alina, if she doesn't...."

"We'll figure it out," she said, "together. But we've got to do what's best for her and the child."

He nodded. "Of course. I'll be back."

"I'll be waiting," she said with a smile. 

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