A Possibility

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(I think the story will switch POVs later on<3)

Y/ns POV: I wake up on my couch just as the sun starts to peek through the blinds and I realize I fell asleep in my coffee stain-covered uniform with a book in my hand and makeup all messy. I groan and walk into my tiny kitchen that overlooks the majority of my tiny London apartment that is way overpriced and I grab an apple from the little fruit bowl that sits at the end of my countertop.

After I put on a pot of coffee and finish my apple I head to my room so I can get ready for my morning shift at the library but suddenly my phone rings and it's my best friend Gwen. We have known each other since 4th grade when I dropped my lunch on accident she shared hers with me and has been like family ever since.

"Hey what's up?

"Oh lord, not enough life is so boring right now let's go out tonight PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE" She begs over the phone

"Sorry I can't I'm too busy but soon I promise"

"Wait are you still working 2 jobs,'" She asks I can tell she was disappointed

"Yea why?"

"Come on girl you're working yourself too much you need a break if your gonna be a big actor in NYC or Hollywood you cant burn out all your energy now you have to get out of this shitty town"

"Yeah your right but I got to go get ready I will call you later love you bye," I say

"Love you too"

After I hang up with Gwen I pick out what I am gonna wear and lay it down on my bed before I head to my tiny bathroom and start the shower. As the warm water trickles down my skin all I can think about was my dreams and how I'm not reaching them. I'm burning myself out and soon I won't want to do what I love anymore but all my thoughts were interrupted by a loud knock on my door

"UGH" I turn the shower off grab a robe and I toss it on and head to the door as the loud knocking continues "Oh my god hold on I'm coming," I say as I approach the door and open it to find my agent Lola Garcia

"Lo? What are you doing here"

She doesn't say anything and just rushes inside and sits down "Your gonna love me," She says excitedly


"I The great and powerful Lola Garcia got my best client and a good friend of mine THE audition of a lifetime"

"Wh-what are you talking about," I say with a smile on my face

"A movie audition for a movie here in London and I'm not talking small indie movie I'm talking huge movie big movie Oscar-winning worthy movie. This audition was hard to get but oh I got it it's today like in 2 hour's so get ready and put something nice on" she says as she pushes me into my room and opens my closet

"I can't believe this thank you so much lo you really are the best"

"I know right! Anyway, the movie is about theses to girls who like fall in love or something and one of them is like "wait no I can't be gay that's wrong" but then she's all like "but I love me some titties" then she like finally accepts her sexuality so it's perfect for you because your gay and all," she says as she gives me a quick hug before rummaging through my closet "now let's find you something that makes you look well presentable"

"hey I happen to like the way I look and I'm not gay I'm bi "

"Close enough," she says and we both laugh

As Lola's car speeds down the highway and the rain pounds against the windows and the music is at a low volume I can't stop thinking about how my dreams could actually come true "So Lo how did you find out about this"

"Oh my Ex Ryan the one from Boston who moved here for work knows a guy and so he made a call the only reason he did it though was because he wanted back into my pants and I was like hell no but by then he had already made the call so it was too late and now we are going out for coffee but I'm not sure how that happened"

"Oh lord Lola your love life is like a movie," I say as I smile and roll my eyes

"Ahh speaking of movie looks like we are here and we made it on time maybe even a little early," she says as she puts her hand on my thigh "Go on in I will be here waiting"

"Lo, do you think I could actually get a part?"

"It's a possibility," She says with a smile "Now go! Break a leg," she says as she pushes me out of the car

One thing I love about Lola is that she is honest. She would never lie to you to protect your feelings or sugarcoat anything. As I walk up to the door where you go for auditions my heart starts to race and my palms start to get sweaty I felt so much pressure but I'm not sure why I have done too many auditions to count but I know a lot is riding on this one but I man up and go inside

When I enter the building I see a few girls sitting nervously in comfy looking chairs and a snack table so a go up grab a bottle of water and sit down

"So first big audition huh?" the girl sitting next to me says

"I'm sorry what"

"Your leg is bouncing up and down and your picking at your nails I can tell your nervous"

"Oh yeah is it that noticeable?" 

"No, it's just I do the same thing. My names Julia" the girl says with a smile

"Y/n. Nice to meet you"

We spend a little time chatting about the movie and our jobs mostly about acting though until I was called into the audition room

'Well that's me I will see you when I come out" I say as I stand up and start to walk into the room

"Good luck"

I enter the room and see four people sitting around holding clipboards and cups of coffee all over the table 

"Well go ahead introduce yourself," One of the ladies says as she hands me a script

"Oh um hello my name is Y/n Y/l/n and um I want to read for the part of Emma"

"Do you have any experience? What projects have you done?" The man asks looking, board

"Oh well, mostly local stuff a few plays and commercials but nothing like this," I say "Um what part did you want me to read?" 

The man tells me to flip to page 46 in the script and read the highlighted parts while he would read the other parts. Then I read a paragraph on page 78 I stuttered a bit but I don't think they noticed.

"Was there anything else you wanted me to read or anything else at all?"

"No no you were great we will email you," The man says as he gestures me out of the room

When I walk back into the room with the white chairs Julia is nowhere to be found but I shrug it off and hope I will see her again soon maybe onset if we both get parts but I walk out to see Lola jamming to 1D in her car volume on high almost causing the car to shake 

"Oh hello, my movie star how did it go?" She asks as I open the car door and get in

"I think it went great".

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