Chapter five

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   Draco woke early that morning to go to his classes. He got dressed in his dorm room and went to breakfast with Pansy Parkinson, and Blaise Zabini. "Someone looks happy today." , "And what's that supposed to mean Parkinson?" Malfoy asked. "I just said that you look happy today. Is there a problem?" Pansy said playfully. Blaise shot Pansy a look that seemed as if he was telling her to stop. Pansy rolled her eyes and continued eating. Draco never really liked Pansy, she always followed him everywhere like a puppy, but she was different from most Slytherin girls so he still hung around her. Blaise was among one of his close friends, he was loyal and trustworthy, which Draco found useful. Draco was almost finished with breakfast when he saw Harry, Ron, and Hermione walking out of the great hall, he glanced at Harry and quickly back at his breakfast so that it wouldn't be obvious he was staring. 

   During classes Draco couldn't stop thinking about meeting Harry in the forest, but what he thought most about was if he was excited to rematch him or if he was just excited to be with Harry. Then, Draco got to potions, his used to be favorite class until Snape moved to defense against the dark arts and now Horace Slughorn teaches potions. They were making anmortentia, a love potion that smells of whatever attracts you. The Slytherins were first to smell theirs because Slughorn was head of Slytherin house so he let his house go first. Draco leaned in to smell his and smelled broomsticks and cinnamon. Pansy looked at him and said hopefully, "What do you smell Draco?" Draco knew the answer she was looking for so he said, "Women's Perfume." Pansy looked confused but happy with his answer. 

  After Draco's classes he went to the forest, to meet up with Harry. He walked through the forbidden forest cautiously, and finally saw Harry standing there waiting for him. "You made it Potter." Draco said cheekily. "Ready for a rematch, Malfoy?" Harry said holding two broomsticks. Malfoy walked close to Harry, grabbed the broomstick, looked him straight in the eye and said, "Your on." Malfoy mounted the broomstick and Harry did the same, "Try to catch me, Potter!" Draco flew toward the castle and into the air, Harry was trying to catch Draco for about an hour until he saw Draco go back into the forest. "Alright. You got me." Draco said slightly out of breath. "Your a pretty good flyer Malfoy", Harry said out of breath too, "Your not too bad yourself." Draco laughed. Draco handed Harry the broomstick, and they looked into each other's eyes. They made eye contact for about 10 seconds until they both broke off. Harry noticed that Draco's cheeks had gotten red, and Harry felt that his cheeks were red too. "I- Draco-" Harry stammered, but before he could say anything else Draco leaned in and Harry was kissing him. Draco hadn't really thought about what he just did but it felt right, and when he kissed Harry it felt like they weren't even in the forest anymore, it felt like they were in a world between imaginary and real and they were just kissing passionately. Harry felt the connection between them, then he remembered he had a girlfriend, a wonderful red haired girlfriend. He pulled away, "I have a girlfriend." Harry said to Draco. "Then why did you let me kiss you?" Draco asked. "I have to go." Harry said quickly. "Harry-" Draco said trying to get him to come back, but he already turned to leave. Draco would've followed him, but he's not that type of person and he also felt guilty about kissing Harry even though he didn't have a girlfriend, Ginny was also one of the Weasley's that he could stand so he felt bad. 

Harry walked back to the castle, and bumped into Ginny. "Hey Harry. I'm sorry about what I did, I didn't mean it like that." Ginny said nervously. Harry didn't know what to say, he just kissed a boy, and she's apologizing. "No it's fine, I shouldn't have pushed you away like that." Harry replied. Ginny took Harry's hand and they walked into the castle. It was almost dinner so they headed for the Great Hall. When they arrived in the Great Hall, Harry saw Draco, and his stomach flipped the butterflies weren't just swarming in his stomach, they were attacking it. Yet again, they made eye contact, Harry broke it, and sat down. Harry didn't want to keep looking at Draco so when dinner was over he finally looked at the Slytherin table and saw that Draco hadn't eaten at all, he looked devastated, and his devastation hit harry like a slap on the face. 

This chapter is 800 words. Hope you like it.

Author's note- I would also appreciate it if you could maybe comment on some things you want me to fix, or if you even like my story so far, it would really help me grow as a writer, thank you. 

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