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(If there's any spelling errors I don't care, it's 4am give me a break)

If you have read this recently you've probably seen this warning,

"3-22-20 A/N: PLEASE DON'T SKIP Hey author here, before you read this and what not, just know I am not proud of this work. Like at all. It's horrible. I talk about a subject I know nothing of and ruin characters for the plot. It's gross. You can read it and I won't care but don't keep in mind that I refuse to associate this with me as a person. Deleting it will have no effect as 10k have already read it so it's staying up even though a part of me still wants to delete it. I really don't post here anymore, I don't write anymore, I mean you can look and read my other fics but they most likely won't be finished ever. In fact, I'm not even that big of a fan of this show anymore yet writing for a different fandom isn't something I'm into. Who knows, I might just change my mind and start writing for different fandoms. (Funny how I used to hate when people would make many amazing fics for one fandom and then they'd stop because they grew out of said fandom. Well now I understand them) sorry for such a long author note I needed to get that out."

And you may have noticed I have now deleted it. I did this because I want to update my warning and alter the fic. As I stated in the previous message and probably others, i hate this fic. I believe I've made this clear but the thing is I DON'T want you to read this now. So here's what gonna happen,

I'm deleting the whole 'suicidal Mike' and 'bully/homophobic Jane' and 'abusive Karen's from this. While it could be a good plot for someone else's fic, it wasn't for me. I didn't execute the idea we'll normally did I plan any of it out. I just wrote what I felt like adding. That's why chapter 1 and chapter 2 are completely different. Not only that but I will be adding comments basically bullying myself but you don't have to read those its just for me.

One thing you've probably asked yourself (or not) is 'why haven't you deleted it if you hate it?'. Well a few reasons actually.
1.) This is my oldest fic still standing. I have deleted all of my older ones back from when I wrote Aphmau fics. This was on Quotev don't ask for the account as it has literally nothing on it.

2.) the comments are pretty funny. I do read your comments and I try to respond but human interaction isn't my strongest trait. I like come back an read what you have to say.

3.) Nostalgia. This was made back in 2017. I will not say my age but I will say that I was in middle school when I made this. I'm very clearly not in middle school and haven't been for awhile.

4.) I've said this before so that's why it's last but because of how many view it has. 13.1k people have read this and people are still adding this to their reading lists. It's no use at this rate. It it had less views then I would have deleted in a heartbeat.

Okay here's how to reach me and shameless self promotion because this is my damn fic I'll do what I want.
Tumblr: godmademewithoutarms
Ao3: *is the exact same as Tumblr*

You can ask me questions here or on Tumblr, it's faster there as I forget I have this app often. If you're going to do it here DM me or post it on the conversations page, I'll see it eventually.

If you're going to do it on Tumblr, use my inbox that's what it's there for. You can also use ao3 but I'd prefer the other two honestly.

Here's that promo I promised : )

On my ao3 I'm writing a Demon Slayer fic that I'm really really excited for!! Here's the actual summary;

"Hello down there!" Mitsuri called out the the boy on the ground. "What's a cutie like you doing out here?"

The strange child's head shot up, wide eyes filled with tears and fear. He was cradling what looked like a broken leg. Mitsuri taking notice of this, carefully walking towards him and crouching in front of him

"Are you alright? That looks like it hurts a lot but don't worry, I know just the person that can fix you right up!" The Hashira beamed at the misty eyed kid. "Just hop on my back! I'll take you there!"
Mitsuri finds an injured Inosuke on patrol and decides he's going to be her Tsuguko!

I'm almost done with chapter 1 and will be working on that when I'm done here. It's going to have 4 total chapters and will have other fics in the series. I will warn you that I'm not very good at fight scenes so they may not be the best but hey, there's always room for improvement!

Other things I MAY write on there:
More Demon Slayer (mostly this)
Wonder Egg Priority
Sally Face
Avatar: The Last Airbender
Miraculous Ladybug
Marvel (mostly Spider-Man and TFATWS)
And maybe more

I believe that's all I have to say, thank you if you actually read this : )

Signing off for one final time (hopefully),
CC/Cici/Buttercup/whatever you know me as

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