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Tues. June 8, 2021.


Bee sat there in their gaming chair sweating, looking at their ceiling fan wishing that their air conditioning worked.

"bee?" Therann asked through the private discord vc they were in.

Bee snapped out of their thoughts at the word.


"you good? you seem off, i mean you just zoned out for 10-15 minutes-"

"oh yea- 10-15 minutes?! i thought that was a minute"

"jeez, anyways its getting late im gonna head to bed, you can stay up - idiot"

"alrighty cunt, night"


the sound of therann leaving made bees chest sink. bee had loved him but, didnt know how to explain it to him.

bee left the call and turned off their laptop. flopping on the bed. scrolling through their phone deciding that tonight would be night bee would tell therann about how they felt for him.


bee woke up and stared at their ceiling decided if they should tell therann or not.

"fuck it" bee said and grabbed their phone, unlocking it and opening discord and texting out the message.

'good morning. uhm, i need to tell you this before someone else does. i like you. alot. i just wanna hold you close to me. therann, remember a couple days ago? ...ashton told me what you said. You liked me didnt you? you probably still do. i like you therann'

it was sent, bee sent the message.

it all got so hot, sweat beads at the ends of bees hair. clothing feeling strange strange on bees body. everything felt weird.

therann replied. oh god he replied.

'you like me? i like you too..uhm. so..'


'fuck me.'


'do it. just fuck me already'

'im hard uhm i hate you.'

'im also hard'

Therann💞 is calling you

"hello?" Therann faintly said into the mic

god that was hot. Bee thought for a second.

"oh hey!" bee said

therann started to groan and slightly moan.

Is he.. is he masturbating on call? if so..jeez his moans are hot.

therann started whimpering.

cliff hanger. haha;))

follow my tik tok
[359 words]

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