ch2 "the other smp"

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Wolfie pov
Me and Toms joined the dream smp it was cool we walked around looking it was wonderful.Toms look kinda worried and i just stared and chuckled i kinda punch his arm softly and we started to talk i said to tommy "hey toms do you think the people on the Dream smp will you know be nice to us becuase last time we were on a smp they would bully me and then you..." Toms stared at me and nod and said "I hope they do wolf I hope they do last time it was very very painful to even be friend to anyone on that old smp".

Tommy pov
I looked at wolf who knew what had happen on that smp when we got a message from dream We said yes right away to get out of that smp.Once we said we were leaving for the dream smp the people on the other smp started to act "nice" to us but we didn't bye it they always were saying "Tommy wolfie dont leave" and when they say "if your leaving im going to that smp with you". They were acting like we were there best friends

Hey author here we already have reads like wow i just started this book welp i wote 199 words for the story and ya love you all have a gn or morning. Its 1:29Am soo i took my time to write this but love yall Bye my wolves OwO

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