The beginning of the end

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The day my life ended didn't start out terribly.

My name is Delilah Romanov and today was going to be the worst day of my life though I didn't know that yet

It actually started out like any other day in my life. I woke up at 8 am to the sound of pots and pans hitting each other in the kitchen and my dad rushing around like a headless chicken trying to get everything he needed packed and not be late for work. My brothers were blasting music from their rooms across the hall not caring about the other humans in the house. It was always chaotic in my household in the morning, but I was so used to it at this point that it didn't even bother me.

I decided to see what was going on in my world and to check up on the other worlds around me,mainly the vampire one because there was always some drama going on in there.

Today it seemed like the new inter species school that had just been built was opening. I thought it was a stupid idea to make a school between the species but everyone else didn't have a problem with it. I for one was never going to go to school with a species that could kill me in a second. Ever.
Or so I thought.

These thoughts were going to come back and haunt me later on, though I didn't know that at that time. I didn't realize how much time I had spent reading the latest gossip on the internet and before I realized it, it was already 1 pm. I finally dragged my ass out of bed and took a shower and got dressed. I threw on some biker shorts and a t-shirt and put my hair in a messy bun cause I really didn't feel like doing anything fancy today.

I went downstairs and had a late breakfast and went out to hang out with my friends. It was getting late so I went back home and what met my eyes was a set of the grim faces of my parents looking at me from the living room.
I had a really bad feeling about this the moment they told me to sit down for a talk.

Moments later*


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