Call me your own personal juice box

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Moments later*

"WHATTT???" "You can't do that to me". That was my reaction to the bombshell my parents just laid on me. Apparently my dad just got transferred to a new location for his work and so we had to move and funnily enough the workplace was right where the new interspecies school was being built and guess what? I had to go to school there next year.

I couldn't believe my ears. My parents really wanted me to go to a school filled with werewolves and other creatures but most importantly vampires. I was just waiting for them to jump up and tell me it was all a joke but that never happened.
Before I realized I was being forced upstairs to go start packing because we had to leave in the next two days.

I immediately called my bestfriend when I got upstairs to tell her about this terrible news.

Delilah: omg you won't believe the terrible news my parents just told me
Amarie : omg I have something to tell you too but you go first
Delilah: my dad got transferred for his job and he's making us move really far away. And as if that's not bad enough, he's taking me to the new interspecies school.
Amarie : don't tell me you mean the one with vampires?
Delilah: yes Delilah, that's the one. It's like he wants me to get eaten by them.
Amarie : Can't you beg them to let you stay?
Delilah: I already tried and they refused so I guess I'm leaving in two days.
Amarie : omg two days? That's terrible. I'm gonna miss you so much.
Delilah: I'm gonna miss you too. Anyway what did you have to tell me?
Amarie: my parents are making us move too. Delilah: what? Where are you moving to?
Amarie: They haven't told me where to yet but it really sucks because my whole life is here as well as yours.
Delilah: I know. They must really hate us to...

*mom screams from downstairs
"Are you almost done packing honey?"

"Yes mom, just a little more to go"
Delilah: I have to finish packing. Call you later.

*Two days later
We finally arrived at the new place I have to call home and holy hell this house is massive.
"Welcome to your new home honey" my mum said.
"It's pretty I guess but a beautiful house is not going to make up for the fact that you basically uprooted me from my friends and my whole life" I replied.
" yes we know sweetie but just wait. You're gonna love your new school and you're gonna get amazing new friends soon enough" my dad commented.
'... yeah sure, that's if I don't get all the blood drained out of me like a juice box on my first day'
I said in my head. Instead I put on a fake smile and walked into the house.
I had to admit the inside of the house was even more beautiful than the outside and it had 4 bedrooms,4 bathrooms and an extra room for me to do whatever with. I guess this was my parents way of apologizing but it wasn't gonna cut it.
I spent the rest of the afternoon unpacking and exploring the house and found different hidden rooms as well as a massive library that was fully stocked.
I went to bed that night feeling anxious because the next day was Monday which means it was my first day at my new school.
I had a massive pit in my stomach just thinking about it...

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⏰ Last updated: May 25, 2022 ⏰

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