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Your vision was blurry when you woke. You felt dizzy and couldn't think straight.
"Oh good! Mukuro, they're awake!"
"Junko ssh! Someone will hear you!"
Your vision came back slowly. And you saw 2 people that you never thought you'd see.
Junko Enoshima.. and Mukuro Ikusaba.
"What am I doing here.. I was with.."
Junko snickered. "You're not going to remember! I NEED you right noww!"
You did remember.. you knew you did. But.. who was it..
Mukuro stood next to Junko, glaring at you. Junko began taunting you.
"Y/NNNNNN!!! Y/NNNN!!! Don't be a fool! You're SPECIAL."
You suddenly came to remember everything, and began trying to run away, but Mukuro grabbed you and threw you back into the chair.
You then started to panic. "LET ME GO YOU PSYCHO FREAKS!!" You began screaming for help.
"They can't hear you.. so SHUT UP!" Junko giggled. "Listen up, Y/N. In 2 years time, disaster will strike. True despair and HELL will be released into the whole world! All you need to do isss... kill the principal."
"What a shame. Hmm.. i was realllyyyyy hoping you could help. MUKURO KILL THEM."
Mukuro held a knife to your throat. You then saw opportunity and struck. You kicked the knife from her hand and caught it. You then shoved them both down and used the knife to pick the lock on the door. You unlocked it and ran. Neither Junko or Mukuro tried to chase you.
You ran back to the library to find Byakuya, about to leave.
"You disappeared."
"Sorry about that. I wanted to grab something but i couldnt find it."
He nodded and ruffled your hair gently. He then walked back to his dorm, waving a sweet good-bye. All you could think of was what Junko was planning. You were scared. What was going to happen?

~Hellooo My bunnies!! Its been a while,  hasn't it? Ive recently looked at this story, and saw that I almost have 7k reads. You guys have no idea how much i appreciate this. I've come up with an idea. Add me on discord:
(Dm me for that-) or snapchat (babs.babs11037) and i'll make groupchats! We can get to know each other and discuss anything we want! I look forward to becoming friends with all of you. I love you all!

In Another Life. Byakuya x readerWhere stories live. Discover now